Saturday, December 4, 2021

Daily Devotion Day 35

 “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it." Paul tells us that the cross spelled the final doom of Satan and his demons. When Jesus' body died on the cross, His Spirit went to the abode of demons and announced His triumph over sin, Satan, death and hell. Paul then paints a picture of Roman conquerors who, having defeated an enemy, would parade them through the streets of Rome showing everyone who had won the battle. That is exactly what our Lord Jesus Christ did. He has made an open display of His victory. We don't fight the enemy, he has already been defeated, we march along with our victorious Lord and praise His name for doing what He did for us. If you were the only person ever to have lived on the earth, He would have done the same thing (dying on the cross) just for you. Thank Him today.

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