We have been looking at 1 Thessalonians 5:17: "pray without ceasing." (NASB) It is easy to undervalue this command and not give it the proper consideration. It is always the best approach to take all Biblical commands very seriously. If God has chosen through the Holy Scriptures to order us to do something, we should give our most serious attention to it.
The Preachers Sermon and Outline Bible explains the verse as follows: "Prayer is God's ordained way for man to receive things from Him. God moves, acts, and responds to prayer. Prayer is a law that He has established throughout the universe. Why? Because prayer stirs fellowship and communion with God and brings about a greater knowledge and understanding of God. It causes a person to learn more and more about God and stirs more and more trust as well as worship and praise of God. Prayer stirs and causes every good thing imaginable between God and man. This is the reason God destined prayer as the primary way man is to communicate with Him. This is the reason for this exhortation. Therefore, pray without ceasing; continue and persevere in prayer: in your daily worship and quiet times and as you walk throughout the day."
I like the way this command is explained as a law God has established throughout the universe. God has created this method to have constant communication with Him. Think how your life might change if you stayed in constant communication and fellowship with Him? It would affect your speech, your actions, your entertainments and your friends. We need to live our lives "praying without ceasing." And remember that when God tells you to do something, it is always in your best interest to obey. He knows what is best and it is best that you "pray without ceasing." Today, focus on this verse. Write it on a slip of paper and look at it often. It will help train you. (Remember: 21 days to make a habit and 21 days to break a habit.)
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