Mathew 7:17 tells us: "Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit." These are the Words of Jesus and He is making a very clear statement. If there is a good tree, it will yield a good crop of fruit; if the tree is bad, the fruit will be rotten. Oftentimes, when I am speaking with a person and they are telling me about their life, I can know what to tell them by looking at the fruit. I may have not been there at the beginning and there may be some dispute about what actually occurred, but there can be no argument about the fruit. We can see the fruit; if I can see the fruit then I know what type of tree and seed was planted to bring about the end result of the fruit.
Adam Clarke commented on this verse as follows: "As we perfectly know that a good tree will not produce bad fruit, and the bad tree will not, cannot produce good fruit, so we know that the profession of godliness, while the life is ungodly, is imposture, hypocrisy, and deceit. A man cannot be a saint and a sinner at the same time. Let us remember, that as the good tree means a good heart, and the good fruit, a holy life, and that every heart is naturally vicious; so there is none but God who can pluck up the vicious tree, create a good heart, plant, cultivate, water, and make it continually fruitful in righteousness and true holiness."
Today, what type of fruit has your life produced? Look around you and if after doing so, you find a need to repent then do so. Repent and plant some new "good" trees based on the Word of God and His righteousness. He will help you as He desires you to produce good fruit. If you look around and determine that you have "good" fruit, don't take the credit yourself, thank Him for causing you to produce "good" fruit.
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