Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A New Beginning

Dear Friends,
I have been absent for almost a year, but I intend to post much more frequently now. My message remains the same: Holiness Unto The Lord!” I find myself motivated by an increasingly compromising worldly church. It is time for those that know the truth to stand and be heard. There is only one way to heaven, through the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no other way. There is a second act of grace known as entire sanctification which cleanses the heart from sin. The first act of grace known as salvation forgives you from your acts of sin. The second act of grace, Entire Sanctification cleanses your heart from the condition of sin.

We will be starting an Adult Holiness Bible study in July. If you want to participate, let us know. There is nothing to buy. Everything has been paid for, so message us or email and we will send the material to you as the Lord provides. We will discuss the lesson on this blog and you can follow along. There will be a daily Bible reading to help your spiritual growth.

For those that want a free flash drive with a lifetime of holiness reading material, contact us and we will send to you. Thank you Rev. Duane Maxey for your life work in compiling the material.

Today’s message is based on Hebrews 12:14: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” KJV the word “holiness” is the Greek word hagiasmos and it is a masculine noun. It is not about continuous action, i.e., a verb. The Greek word means the state of purification. The Word is telling us we must be in a state of purification to see the Lord. This is consistent with Acts 15:8-9 that informs us that at Pentecost the believers had their hearts purified by faith. That is the condition of seeing the Lord: having a heart purified by faith, i.e. holiness. In the days ahead we will be writing about one can receive the holiness without with no one shall see the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Happy that you are back to blogging. The old time holiness preachers referred to this as "heart holiness." It really is about the heart. A wonderful study on the subject of holiness can be made by studying the use of the word "heart." Very revealing. Blessings to you.
