Thursday, June 20, 2019

Directions for those Seeking to be Entirely Sanctified Part 2

We continue today with the steps to enter into the grace of entire sanctification. During revivals, many have found this rest of faith taking these simple steps.

Fourth, you must make an entire consecration of yourself to God—your soul, body, time, talents, influence, and your all—a complete assignment of all to Christ. You bow your will to His. Do you want to be a doctor or lawyer, or go into business? Are you willing to discard your plans if He wants you to be a missionary in a poor land? The old timers referred to this as the “unknown bundle.” Are you willing to surrender your past, present and future into His hands? Are you willing to let Him have His complete way with you? That is the first part of consecration, your will. The next part of consecration is to search and surrender, and re-search and surrender again, until you get every vestige of self upon the altar of consecration. What are you searching? You are searching your heart to see what is in there. I had pride, anger, envy, jealousy and lust. You may have these carnal traits or different ones. One by one, I said, “Yes, Lord, that is in my heart and I need you to crucify it out of me.” You surrender your carnal traits one by one, but when you are entirely sanctified, the Holy Spirit will strike a death blow to all your carnal traits at once. Many refer to this as death route holiness. There will be later posts on the death route. For now, understand that you surrender your will and your carnal traits one by one to the Lord for crucifixion.

Fifth, you exercise your faith to claim God’s promises to be entirely sanctified. Faith is the immediate condition of sanctification, and God does His part when true faith is exercised. We consecrate, but He does the work of Entire Sanctification. It is a divine work of grace preceded by our entire consecration and faith. John Wesley’s view of faith that sanctifies was faith:
1. “That God hath promised this sanctification in the Holy Scriptures:
2. That it is a divine evidence or conviction that what God hath promised He is able to perform;
3. That it is a divine evidence or conviction that He is able and willing to do it now;
4. That to this confidence that God is able and willing to sanctify us now, there needs to be added one thing more—a divine evidence or conviction that He does it.”

More in the days to come.

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