Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Directions for Those Seeking to Be Entirely Sanctified

I have preached a number of revivals both in the USA and in India. I have been asked several times, what are the steps to becoming entirely sanctified. The below includes some of the advice I have given to assist those seeking this experience.
First, just like the believers in attendance in Acts 1 and 2, make sure you are genuinely saved. I’m not referencing those that say “the sinners prayer” but continue to live the way they used to. I’m talking about someone that has a real encounter with the risen Christ. They have repented from all known sin, trusted in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His shed blood and believe He is the Messiah. You know when you have had that transformation; you go from walking in darkness to walking in light. Things are different. You see the world different. You have a love for others that can only be described as supernatural. You love God and His people.
Second, you come to a point that you understand that while you are forgiven for your acts of sin, there remains within you a sin principle. The Bible calls it the “old man” or carnality. It is that something that rises up within you in anger, or prideful thinking, or jealousy, or envy, that tempts you to act out those feelings. You resist the foe within, but you see the struggle. Paul describes this experience in Romans 7. Things you want to do, you don’t; things you don’t want to do, you do. This type of walk is not the highest Christian experience. For example, there was a difference between the Peter that denied Jesus before Pentecost and the Peter on the day of Pentecost that boldly proclaimed the gospel resulting in the conversion of thousands. What was the difference? Peter was entirely sanctified on the day of Pentecost when Jesus baptized him with the Holy Ghost and his heart was purified. A person with a holy heart can do much for the kingdom of God.
Third, humble yourself under the mighty hand of the Almighty. Spiritual poverty is the prelude to spiritual enlargement. “Blessed are the poor in spirit.” Do not seek too easy a way. Be willing to die to sin. Endeavor to feel the deep,malignant, hateful nature of your depravity, and your need of purity.

Tomorrow, we examine the final two steps.

As a side note, as often happens when someone teaches holiness or entire sanctification, you will be accused of teaching sinless perfection. I have not taught such a doctrine and never will because I don’t think it is Biblical. Should one sin after becoming a believer, the blood still flows when there is genuine repentance. The Christian can be restored to right standing with God. However, when it comes to acts of sin, the Christian should not have active intentional sin in their life. You can’t be a habitual sinner and a Christian. Consider the following:
1. “Go and sin no more.” Jesus in John 8:11;
2. ‘Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound...God forbid....” Paul in Romans t: 1-2
3. “He that committeth sin is of the devil....Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin....” John in 1John 3: 8-9
4. “Be ye holy for I am holy....” Peter in 1 Peter 1:16.

Jesus and the apostles agree that the Christian should quit the sin business.

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