Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Church Has Been Duped!

I received an article in my email with the title, "The Church Has Been Duped!" Here is part of the article:
"The church has been duped by a wicked and crafty culture.
The world is boldly and unapologetically preaching its version of truth to the church, demanding compliance, and it has successfully caused change in theologies, church mission statements and a large segment of the body of Christ. In fact, the spirit of the age is working hard at redefining love in the minds of many Christians. Anything short of tolerance and everything smelling of judgment are branded as pure and utter hatred. Again, Christians by the millions are falling for the deception and the fiery unction of the Holy Spirit has been shut down in their lives.
I'll make the point of this article clear:
God still judges today and we desperately need his loving judgment. We also need preachers, prophets and Christians everywhere to rise up with fire in their veins and a steel rod in their backs and confront sin, renounce wickedness and expose the darkness in the land."
Let me echo the writer of this article with a hearty, Amein! The world is telling the church that sin is not sin. What used to be wrong is now right and what used to be right is now wrong! It is Satan's attack to destroy the church from proclaiming the truth. People's souls are in danger. We owe them and our Savior true love. True love speaks the truth in love without compromise. True love warns the occupants when the building is on fire to get out and be saved. We must not bow to the pressures of the world, but must as Christians have throughout the ages, proclaim Biblical truth that Jesus is Lord! There will be a judgment. There is a hell to be avoided and a heaven to be gained. 
So what are you going to do about it?

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