Monday, July 1, 2019

Death to Carnal Self

In a “death-route” commitment to end our carnal self, i.e. the crucifixion of our old man, Jesus Christ is our chosen champion! Luke 9:51 says: “And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem.” Jesus Christ, “...poured out his soul unto death....” Isaiah 53:11,12 We are told also to go outside the camp (this means the place of crucifixion) and bear his approach. Hebrews 13:13 The disciple is to follow his master. The Christian life is not promised to be a “bed of roses.”

“In the day in which we live there is great emphasis in the churches on ‘works,’ and great stress on ‘faith,’ but neither the Father, nor the Son, nor the Holy Ghost will be fully satisfied until we have poured out ourselves unto death. Not as martyrs: that will not do it. Not as a sacrifice for sins! There is no efficacy in our blood. But, instead, DEATH TO CARNAL SELF SIMPLY MEANS THAT ALL RESISTANCE TO THE TOTAL CLAIMS OF JESUS CHRIST OVER OUR LIVES BE REMOVED FROM OUR HEARTS. Ours is not an atoning death, or a meritorious sacrifice, but a voluntary submitting to the total crucifixion of carnal, willful self, and the enthronement of Jesus Christ over facet of our earthly existence.”

Do you trust Jesus Christ enough to have total control over every part of your life? Your career, your future, your direction? If not, what part of your life do you think you could do a better job than He?

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