Saturday, July 20, 2019

3rd Bible Study: The Prophet’s Praise

Tomorrow we end the study of the book of Habakkuk. We have seen the prophet complain in chapter 1 that it was unfair that a wicked nation should destroy God’s nation. God answered that He had a purpose in what was happening. In chapter 2, Habakkuk had another complaint. While acknowledging Judah deserved punishment, Habakkuk wanted more information. Does that remind you of anyone? God shows you something, but more data is necessary for you to get on board with God’s purpose. God told the prophet that the wicked nation of the Chaldeans would ultimately be destroyed and God’s people would fill the earth.

In lesson 3, the prophet praises God for His faithfulness. God is our refuge in the midst of trouble and He will see us through. Habakkuk had confidence in the security of God’s people. The lesson of this entire book is, man shall live by faith (2:2-4). “Faith is the ability to feel so sure of God, that, no matter how dark the day, there is no doubt as to the outcome. For God’s people there is a GLORIOUS FUTURE. It may be a long way off. But it is absolutely sure. Thus, in the midst of his gloom and despair, Habakkuk was an optimist of the first magnitude.”

In the first part of the lesson, Habakkuk prays that the work would be revived. It is certain that the people of God will be captured and deported because of their sin. The prophet appeals to God for mercy.

In the second part, we are reminded to focus on God’s glory and faithfulness. The best example I can give in dealing with problems is to approach them like a rowing a boat. When rowing a boat, look back at where you are coming from and move forward with your back facing the direction you are going. We are to move forward into whatever we are facing while looking back at the faithfulness of God in the past in the Bible and in our lives. We can face the future with confidence by looking back at God’s goodness and protection.

In the third part, we see God’s deliverance promised. God has delivered His people in the past and the unchanging God will continue to defend His own. Jesus is our ultimate deliverer. He will save His people from their sins. Ultimately, Satan and all evil will be overcome and cast into the lake of fire. Habakkuk was so awestruck at what God was going to do to the Chaldeans and for Judah, he was filled with amazement. While the intent of the wicked is to destroy the righteous, they will not prevail!

In the final part of the lesson, Habakkuk is confident and has joy that God’s ultimate plan will come about. Habakkuk’s Faith has triumphed (2:4). He knows God is still sovereign and in control. Do you?

My final thoughts:
1. No matter what things look like, God has a plan that will come about.
2. If you sin, don’t wait for judgment to come. We have Jesus Christ and His shed blood. Repent (turn away from sin and change your mind about sin, i.e., hate sin) and ask for forgiveness and cleansing.
3. Face the future by looking at the past faithfulness of God.

Don’t forget to read the Sunday School Beacon, you will be blessed!

Next week: Judgment on Judah.

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