Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Blessing of Uncertainty

“And he went out, not knowing whither he went.” Heb. 11:8
“It doth not yet appear what we shall be.” 1 John 3:2

“We are apt to look upon uncertainty as a bad thing, because we are all too mathematical and common sense. The nature of spiritual life is that we are certain in our uncertainty, consequently we do not make our ‘nests’ anywhere spiritually....G.K. Chesterton, that insurgent writer, pronounces all certainties ‘dead certainties.’”

Oswald Chambers wrote: “All through the Bible the realm of the uncertain is the realm of joy and delight; the certainty of belief brings distress. Certainty of God means uncertainty in life; while certainty in belief makes us uncertain of God. Certainty is the mark of the common-sense life; gracious uncertainty is the mark of the spiritual life, and they must both go together. ‘It is not yet made manifest what we shall be’—we are gloriously uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. Immediately we abandon to God and do the duty that lies nearest, He packs our lives with surprises all the time....All certainty brings death to something....We cannot corner God or spiritual life....’Except ye become as little children...’ A child is certain of its parents, but uncertain about everything else, therefore it lives a perfectly delightful healthy life.”

We enjoy certainty. It makes us comfortable. In some areas certainty is good. I love my wife and it is certainly a blessing to have her as a constant in my life. I like the certainty of knowing we have a source of income that we can through work and effort produce finances. However, in the spiritual realm, we must be open to uncertainty. God is not finished with us. You may be saved and sanctified, but He still wants to stretch you to new heights in Him. I’m so thankful that in the spring of 1976, God stretched an 80+ year old holiness preacher Rev. J. Herbert Norton to start a ministry right across from the College of William and Mary. God would use him to sew seeds into my life that led me to preach Scriptural holiness across the USA and in India. It would have very easy for Rev. Norton to have said, “I’m too old to start a new ministry especially without funding.” Yet, God moved him to a place of uncertainty and I am living fruit of his ministry.

As you read this, ask God to move you out of certainty into uncertainty in your spiritual life. Let Him challenge and direct you to what He wants you to do. Be a child.

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