Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What Can God and You Do Together?

“Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17

“Believe in yourself—that you, even you, can do some of the work which He would like done, and that unless you do it, it will remain undone. How are you to begin? As Christ did. First, He looked at the city; then He wept over it; then He died for it.

Where are you to begin? Begin where you are. Make that one corner, room, house, office, as like heaven as you can....Abolish whatever worketh abomination—in food, in drink, in luxury, in books, in art; whatsoever maketh a lie in conversation, in social intercourse, in correspondence, in domestic life....Heaven lies within, in kindness, in humbleness, in unselfishness, in faith, in love, in service. To get these in, get Christ in. Teach it not as a doctrine, but as a discovery, as your own discovery. Live your own discovery.” H.Drummond

You and Christ have a purpose, a mission to accomplish. Your skills, age, intellect, or resources are not as important as your availability. God works through people. While you should pray for the needs of others, if you have the ability to meet their need, do it. Start today as a day of discovery. Approach today as an opportunity to work with Jesus Christ in the furtherance of His kingdom. It can include prayer, service, showing His compassion and love to others, or it may be a day you just praise and worship Him with a heart of thanksgiving. Whatever the day has for you, consecrate it to Him. Be His instrument in this lost world to bring Jesus to someone who doesn’t know Him.

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