Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Be a Faithful Witness

”Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of life.” Acts 5:20
“Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.” II Timothy 1:8

“Some years ago, during a revival meeting, a very timid lady felt moved to go and speak to a couple of young men whom she saw in the back of the church. It was a great cross to her to do it, but in the name of Him who had worn the crown of thorns for her, she arose and started. When she came to them, and began to talk about Jesus, they burst out laughing in her face. Utterly crushed and humiliated to the lowest degree, she went back to her seat and sat down in sorry. She felt her mission had failed, and resolved that she would never again speak to anybody about salvation. It happened that those two young men were room-mates. In the small hours of the night, one of them heard the other sobbing.

‘What’s the matter, Ed? Are you sick?’ He asked.
‘No, but I despise myself for the way I insulted that dear old lady. It was a dreadfully hard thing for her to come to us as she did, but she wanted to do us good; and to think that I was mean enough to laugh in her face makes me hate myself.’
‘That’s just my case exactly,’ responded the first speaker. ‘My heart looks blacker to me than it ever did before. I wish I were a Christian.’

It wasn’t long until those boys crawled out of bed and began to have a prayer meeting. The result was they were both converted before morning, and they have remained that way ever since.”

The little old lady who was laughed at the night before was made almost too happy to live the next day when she learned the news. We need to be faithful witnesses for Christ regardless of the initial reaction of those to whom we speak. Our job is to witness and leave the results to God.

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