Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Word Necessary to Prayer

“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” John 15:7

There is a connection between the Word of God and a successful prayer life. Prayers are only answered which are in harmony with the revealed will of God. God’s Word is His will. A knowledge of the Bible will often bring to our recollection appropriate promises, and thus enable us to pray with faith and confidence.

Abiding in Christ and feeding upon His Word will lead to a Christ-like walk, which will assure our hearts before God. One of the essentials of a holy walk is knowing God’s will and being obedient. We know from the Scriptures, that obedience is better than sacrifice. We must take time to be holy. It’s not the quantity of what you read, but the time spent studying and meditating on what you read. The Bible is a rich book full of the truths you need to follow Him.

“What would He think of me
  If when I saw Him, I should say,
  ‘I was too busy every day
   To read what Thou didst write to me;
  I really hadn’t time for Thee.’”

If you want an effective and enjoyable prayer life, start with reading the Word of God. Meditate upon it. Get Jesus’ Words in you. This is not some eastern practice of emptying the mind. To meditate means to mumble. Speak the word and think about what you are saying. Use this practice as a springboard to talk to Him who is the lover of your soul. Jesus is waiting for you to talk with Him today. Not hurriedly as in a duty to check the box, but to develop and grow your relationship with Him.

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