Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Dying to Depravity

By depravity, I refer to the “old man,” the carnal heart, or as some call it, the bent toward sin. A.W. Tower said, “We must do something about the cross, and there’s only one of two things we can do—flee it or die upon it!” It is possible to have merely a “head-route” instead of a “heart-route.” You will never break through with just an intellectual understanding of holiness. Many have fallen into this snare and settled for a knowledge of heart holiness without ever receiving the experience in their hearts.

Dr. A.M Hills explained the deeper meaning of the crucified self: “When we have thus given ourselves to God we are our own no longer. When the Israelite brought an offering, he surrendered all claims to it. So with the Christian consecrating for the blessing. He surrenders all claim to himself. Intellect, will, affections, desires, possessions, influence—all are God’s and are never again to be taken off the altar.”

In seeking heart holiness, faith must be involved all the way through the process. However, real faith will only operate to bring the final victory when we are willing to take the carnal self all the way to its execution. Rev. H.B. Huffman said the following: “You told them to take it by faith, and it is faith. You can’t get anywhere without faith. You can’t get started without faith. You can put your head against that steel post and beat it until you are blind, and you can’t get anywhere without faith. But I want to tell you, when you pay the full price, your faith, like a thermostat on the wall, will drop into position, and you’ll know you’ve got the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord.”

Has your old man been crucified? Has your carnal heart been made pure? Have you paid the price? Or, have you just intellectually received “holiness?”

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