Thursday, July 4, 2019

A Glaring Need

“One of the most glaring needs we have today is for the manifestation of real purpose that becomes an obsession in the lives of professed Christian people, whether it is revealed in a call to the ministry or mission field, or the simple Spirit-filled life of a devoted layman. The lack of the manifestation of real Christian purpose in life is a condemning indictment against Christian Homes and churches today. Because people, especially parents, have been too taken up with the materialistic aspect of life (money, cars, houses, furniture, the struggle to make ends meet, etc.) the emphasis in a Spirit-filled and directed life has been neglected (the lips have spoken one thing and the life another) until the seed of a real spiritual purpose in life has not been planted in the hearts of our youth.”

Can we stem the tide of materialism, the lukewarmness of the church and return to a Bible centered spirituality? Yes, we can! However, we need to return to our roots of the Christian Faith. The emphasis must not just be a mental acquisition of truth, the truth must be seen in our actions. In Hebrew (and remember Jesus was born and raised a Jew), to know something meant that you had acquired knowledge and that knowledge impacted your actions. Too many today know about “holiness” but it doesn’t show in their lives. We need men and women of God to die out to self, materialism and greed, and surrender their all to Christ and keep seeking until the fire falls.

The American revivalist, Charles Finney, was saved praying in the woods. The same evening, in his own home, he received a mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit cleansing and filling him with life and power. If you are saved, do not delay in seeking the experience of holiness. Pay the price, die out to self, surrender all, make a complete consecration and have faith in the promises of God to sanctify you. Don’t act in presumption because the Holy Spirit will provide you the witness of the Spirit that the work has been done. Then, you will be part of the answer to the glaring need of the church.

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