Friday, July 26, 2019

We Must Have God’s Fullness Part 2

”Here is the secret of the Church’s failure. She is like Israel of old. She has multiplied her defenses cities and her palaces, but she has forgotten the God of Israel, in whom her strength is.”

“In view of these solemn facts that individual Christians are weak and worldly and joyless, and churches are barren, and lifeless without this filling of the Spirit, it is any wonder that God commands all believers to obtain this blessing (being filled with the Holy Spirit).”

The theologian Daniel Steele said: “Six months ago I made the discovery that I was living a sub-standard state of New Testament experience—admiring Christ’s character, obeying his law, and in a degree loving His person, but without the conscious blessing of the Comforter. I settled the question of privilege by a study of John’s Gospel and Paul’s Epistles, and earnestly sought for the Comforter. I prayed, consecrated, confessed my state, and believed Christ’s word. Very suddenly, after about three weeks’ diligent search, the Comforter came with power and great joy to my heart.”

Friend, is your Christian experience sub-standard? Consider setting aside a time of soul searching. Can you testify that you are filed with the Holy Spirit? If not, consider Dr. Steele’s approach: pray, consecrate (surrender all to Christ), confess your need, and have faith in God’s Word that there is a second experience after initial salvation. Have faith that God wants to sanctify you wholly. You will know it when the Holy Ghost fills you! Your heart will be cleansed from all carnal traits and you will be on fire for God. Tomorrow, part 3 of “We Must Have God’s Fullness.”

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