Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Seek Ye First

”But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33

Thought one: “Following Jesus must be more important than every comfort we may have. If you place your comfort above following Jesus then you have stifled your greatest impulse.”

Thought two: “Following Jesus must be more important than every other responsibility we have. The most important responsibility a Christian should have is to follow Jesus and nothing should supersede that. It is important responsibility to provide for your family, but if you place that responsibility before following Jesus then your priorities are wrong. It is an important responsibility to pay your bills, but if you place that responsibility before tithing then your priorities are wrong.”

Thought three: “Following Jesus must be more important than every other desire or duty that we might have. The most important desire a Christian should have is to follow Jesus and nothing should supplant that. It is not wrong to desire a vacation, relaxation or recreation but if it hinders or keeps us from following Jesus or attending regularly and faithfully our local church then your good impulses have been stifled.”

What is first in your life? Does something hold you back from saying “Yes” to God with your entire heart? Do you have a, “Yes, but?” Have you chosen comforts over God’s will? Have you allowed family or friends to entice you away from following Jesus with your whole heart? God is seeking disciples. Will you answer the call to be one?

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