Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hindrances to Obtaining the Blessing of Holiness

Do you struggle to walk in holiness? Do you find that the things you want to do you don’t do them? Or, are there things you don’t want to do but you do them anyway? That is what the Apostle Paul describes in the book of Romans chapter 7. Please read that chapter and see the life Paul describes. However, praise God, in chapter 8 there is victory over that mixed way of life. Mixed in that the Paul of chapter 7 is not entirely sanctified. He battles a carnal heart. Know today that through the blood of Jesus Christ, in faith you can have that carnal heart eradicated. Today, we review two main hindrances to walking in holiness.

The first hindrance is imperfect consecration. Before a doctor can cure a patient, the patient must place himself in the doctor’s care. He submits to the doctor’s advice. He takes the medicine the doctor  prescribes. Before a captain can navigate a passenger across the ocean, the passenger must get on board the ship and stay there. In the same way, if you would have God cleanse your heart, if you would have Him curd your sin sick soul, if you would have Him navigate you through this life into eternity, you put yourself fully into His hands and stay there. You must do what He tells you to do. You must be completely and 100% consecrated or dedicated to Him. Anything less will be a hindrance to you walking in holiness.

The second hindrance is imperfect faith. You must have faith that the Word of God promises your entire sanctification. Jesus prayed for you to be sanctified (John 17:17). Paul said it was the will of God for you to be sanctified (1Thessalonians 4:3) and he prayed that you would be sanctified wholly or entirely (1Thessalonians 5:23). The writer of Hebrews said we were to go outside the gate and bear His reproach (Hebrews 13:13). Peter said we were to be holy because God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Your faith must be based on truth, not emotion. It must be based on the Word of God not the experience of others. While the testimony of others can be helpful, ultimately it is faith in the promises of God that will take you into the promised land of holiness.

“Holiness is a great blessing. It is the renewal of the whole man in the image of Jesus. It is the utter destruction of all hatred, envy, malice, impatience, covetousness, pride, lust, fear of man, love of ease, love of human admiration and applause, love of splendor, shame of the Cross, self-will and the like.” Now that is true liberty and freedom.

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