Friday, July 19, 2019

Better Armor for a Better Fight

”Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

“God’s whole armor of entire sanctification is provided to enable a man to stand. But to put on that armor is also to challenge the devil to use his whole arsenal of weapons against us.”

“Until a man tries by God’s grace to live above sin, he is not aware of how deeply involved he has been. Until a man trusts the Holy Spirit to keep him from all sin, Satan never tries his utmost to test a man. He doesn’t have to. The man commits sin and admits that he does. He is not seriously concerned about it, and expects to keep on sinning more or less. The devil knows that such a man is safely in his power. One sin leads to another. One sin anesthetizes the spirit so that the next sin hurts less. At last, God-given conscience is deathly quiet. The man does not suffer because he no longer resists. He does not feel defeat because he no longer tries to be victorious.”

With the Holy Spirit’s power, we are ready for the fight against the world, sin and Satan. We can stand because we have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit empowering us for continuing sanctification. When we are first saved, initial sanctification commences. Subsequent to salvation, we are to be entirely sanctified purifying our hearts from all the old carnal traits (like anger, pride, lust, envy, jealousy, greed and pride just to mention a few). After that, as we continue to grow and mature, we depend on God’s grace for continuing sanctification so we are ready not just for a small fight with the enemy, but for an all out battle equipped with His whole armor.

So, what are you wearing today?

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