Monday, July 22, 2019

God Guides and Protects

“Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face.” Psalm 5:8
“And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.” Exodus 13:21

“The pillar of cloud by day went before Israel to direct the way forward, to avoid by-paths, and to prevent Israel’s getting ahead of God’s leadings. The pillar of fire by night was behind to protect Israel from the enemy in the rear, to prevent lagging and backsliding from divine leadership.”

“Our Lord gives me the grace of keeping me in His peace, I find this: The more I plan and arrange to do a great deal in this place or that, the less gets done. But if I commit all my work to God much more gets done. Therefore I will let Him work.”

As we begin the work week, we may face many challenges. Some from circumstances and some from people. If you allow God to lead you and be your rear guard, you will find that the challenges are nothing more than stepping stones to greater faith and a closer relationship with Jesus. When people are cruel or mean, respond with the love of Christ. If finances are tight, remember who your Father is and what He owns. If you feel alone, remember Jesus is always with you. There is nothing that can occur to you this week that God cannot lead you and guide you through. Of course, it is inferred that you are in right standing with Him. Take a few moments and examine yourself to see if there is something you need to confess and seek forgiveness. Being clean is a great state to be in and you might be amazed how well you and God deal with the week!

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