Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Walking the Talk

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

“Putting God first is not easy. In this Scripture Jesus demands our all, and leaves no room for going so far. There is no reason for ‘almost’ following Jesus. For us it is not just saying With our lips that Jesus is number one. It is answering the call to discipleship to follow Jesus with everything we are.”

“Sadly, many churches of today are lowering the commitment level to attract attenders. In a George Gallup poll in 1982 he contends that fewer than ten percent of Evangelical Christians could be called deeply committed. The majority who profess Christianity do not know basic Christian teachings and do not act differently because of their Christian profession. A Lutheran pastor said, ‘Ninety percent of our parishes across the country require less commitment than the local Kiwanis club.’ Churches are afraid that if they preach a radical doctrine against sin, they might offend some folks, so they focus on the positive and speak about sin only in the most general terms. They don’t want to deal with touchy doctrinal issues, because people in our day want to be tolerant and non-judgmental. Church discipline has been changed or cast aside. The focus is on being upbeat and feeling good so that everyone feels loved and accepted unconditionally. As a result, we have millions of churchgoers who call themselvesChristians, but who follow nothing of a full surrender to Jesus Christ.”

It can be easy to say the right thing, but do we back it up with our actions in daily life. An old rabbinical saying referred to “walking in the dust of the master.” This meant that you followed your master so close that the dust of his sandals got on your feet. So today, have you put God first? Are you following Jesus all the way no matter what occurs? Lastly, are your feet dusty?

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