Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Be Spirit Filled!

”Be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:18
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6

“Such is God’s command to each of us. To be filled with the Spirit is not to our choice whether we will receive it or not. It is not merely a privilege which we may or may not enjoy. It is God’s command which no one can neglect without being disobedient to Him. Any Christian who does not experience the fullness of the Spirit is unfaithful to His Lord, and culpably negligent of God’s choicest gift of grace. He is unbelieving towards God, and is content to be lukewarm in His service when he might be a flame of fire.”

“There are signs everywhere that very few have received the fullness of the Spirit. What feebleness in service there is! How much labour expended with little or no fruit in the conversion of souls! How little joy in prayer, or power to pray so that answers are received. How little divine light received directly through the Word. How little mourning over sinners. How little real love to the people of God, of whatever name or race they may be!”

Let us arise and shake off the things that hold us back. Let us be willing to receive from God this choicest gift of His grace to us, His Holy Spirit. It is God’s command, and therefore both promised and possible. To be full of the Holy Spirit is to be entirely sanctified. What stands between you and God today? Whatever it is, remove it immediately. Surrender all you are, your past, present and future  into the care of our loving Father. Die out to all carnal traits one at a time and know that God is faithful to send the Holy Spirit to fill you to overflowing. Be filled with the Spirit!

1 comment:

  1. Father, I pray to NOT remain lukewarm, as I have become. But to be filled to overflowing of your sweet, sweet spirit!
