Friday, July 12, 2019

The Cure for Anxiety

”To be spiritually minded is life and peace.” Romans 8:6
“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna.” Revelation 2:17

“Overcoming the world implies overcoming a state of worldly anxiety. You know there is a state of great carefulness and anxiety which is common and almost universal among worldly people. It is perfectly natural if the heart is set upon securing worldly good, and has not learned to receive all good from the hand of a great Father and trust Him to give or withhold with His own unerring wisdom. But he who loves the world is the enemy of God, and hence can never have this filial trust in a parental Benefactor, nor the peace of soul which it imparts. Hence worldly people are almost incessantly in a fever of anxiety lest their worldly schemes should fail. They sometimes get a momentary relief when all things seem to go well; but some mishap is sure to befall them at some point soon, so that scarce a day passes that brings not with it some corroding anxiety.Their bosoms are like the troubled sea which cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.

But the person who gets above the world gets above this state of ceaseless and corroding anxiety....Those who are under the control of the world, of course have not overcome the world. No person overcomes the world till the heart is imbued with the spirit of heaven.” C.G. Finney

I have seen people in business and ministry that live lives of anxiety. If things go well, it’s “praise Jesus!” If things go poorly, it’s a variety of statements that range from negative speak to cursing. These are examples of people who have not absolutely surrendered their all to Jesus Christ. I have written about entire consecration, i.e. complete abandonment to God, as a condition of entire sanctification. We live in perilous times with evil abounding all around us. If you want to the cure for anxiety, it begins with surrendering your all to Jesus Christ and then trusting the one you have surrendered to. The more we feel the burden of being in charge, the more anxiety you will experience when troubles come. However, when I know in whom I have believed, and my trust is in Him, I can face today with the assurance that He will carry me through. I will have the victory, not because of me, but because of Him! And that, is a cure for anxiety!

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