Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blaming Others

”Many people want to blame their situation on someone or something else. For instance, some people will say:
‘It was my parents that caused me to hate the church and God. I will never be a Christian because there are too many hypocrites. I cannot overcome this sin, because I was born this way.’

One man we talked with recently is so full of hate that it is almost impossible to reach him with the gospel truth. He hates everything and everybody it seems. He hates you because you say you are a Christian. When we told him, he must forgive those that he feels has wronged him in order to go to heaven, he said:
‘I will go to hell,’ ‘I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell. There is no Heaven. There is no Hell. There is no God.’”

We must realize that it is our choices that have gotten us to the place we are today. Others may have hurt you or influenced you, but it is your choice to hate, to sin, and live the way you do. The good news is that since your choices determine your present, you can change. You can choose to repent, to seek holiness and live a life dedicated to God. Think about this: no person, no matter how powerful can stop you from following God. Today is Sunday, the Lord’s Day. Some will choose to worship the Lord today. Others like the expression “Sunday Funday” and try to fill the day with everything but God. Don’t be surprised when you see the fruit of your choices, because fruit follows the planting of seeds. Are you planting seeds of holiness or seeds of rebellion against God? The great news is that if you have been planting wrong seeds, you can start a new harvest today!

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