Monday, July 15, 2019

Called by His Name

Most of us know the story of Peter’s denial of the Lord Jesus Christ the night He was arrested. Peter had earlier pledged his undying loyalty to Jesus, yet Jesus knew what Peter was going to do. Peter did in fact deny Jesus three times. How often have we felt the same shame and disappointment in letting our Lord down. Perhaps you failed to witness, remained silent when you should have spoken up for Him, or you participated in an event that was not pleasing to Him. Like Peter, you may have felt you should just go back to fishing and giving up. There is good news today that applies to us when we examine how Jesus dealt with Peter after the resurrection.

“He (Jesus) called Simon, the penitent, by his own name. Since that night of his denial of his Lord, when he had wept bitterly, one wonders whether Simon Peter would ever be fit to do anything but go back to his fishing. And it was while at the fishing that the Master found him. And then came the words, ‘Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou Me...?’ His name, and a search for his love! Surely only love  could hunger after love in another....That name from those lips could also mean only forgiveness and another chance. Christian brethren, have you gone back a-fishing? Have you let the Lord down so badly that you can hardly forgive yourself? If so, you need to listen for that name of yours spoken by the voice you can never forget. He calls His own sheep, His erring sheep, the one who knows he is a failure. He calls you by name and that means He has forgiven. You have another chance as a wiser sheep.”

Dear friend, have you erred in your walk with the Lord? If so, know He is calling you by name to return to Him. He will forgive and restore that which was broken. Don’t delay. Don’t give the enemy another day of victory. Are you listening?

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