Thursday, July 25, 2019

We Must Have God’s Fullness Part 1

“Why is it that the Christian Church, instead of pushing a bold, aggressive warfare, under the leadership of her divine Teacher, the Holy Spirit, for the conquest of the world, is in the main quietly reposing in her trenches, barracks and spiritual hospitals, maintaining a feeble defensive, unable to resist the innovating forces of worldliness and sin, and the corrupting tide of atheism itself?”

F.B.Meyer stated: “How little power average Christians have. They wave the censer between the living and the dead, but the plague is not stayed. Like Gehazi, they lay the staff on the face of the dead child, but life does not return. Like the disciples at the foot of the mount, they speak the healing words, but the devil-possessed are not relieved. They pray, but prayers are unanswered. The life-giving power must be in us, or we shall not see dead sinners come to life through our words.”

“Here is the weakness of the Church of our time. There are many members, but too many of them are Gehazis and faithless disciples. Until more believers are filled with the sanctifying and power-giving Holy Spirit, even the children of the Church households will remain dead and devil-possessed.” The above was written by A.M.Hills, a very respected holiness author and minister. He died in 1935. One can only imagine what he would write today given the sad state of many churches.

We do need God’s sanctifying fullness in our lives. We need men and women of God, sold out 100% for the gospel, that genuinely care for the lost. Will you become one? Know that you will lose some “friends” and church members if you begin to walk fully after Jesus Christ. However, you will have the privilege of suffering for our Lord. More tomorrow on obtaining this fullness in your walk.

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