Sunday, April 12, 2020

2nd Bible Study of the Quarter: Christ Is Risen

Today is Resurrection Sunday! We celebrate and proclaim that the tomb is empty. He is risen, indeed!

The lesson is entitled, "Christ is Risen" and comes from Mark 16: 1-14. The study records four affirmations of Christ's resurrection: to the women, to Mary, to the two on the road to Emmaus, and to the disciples. It seems remarkable that the disciples were so slow in believing that Christ had actually risen from the dead. Several times Jesus had told them He would be crucified, and after three days in the tomb He would rise again (Mark 8:31; 9:9, 31; 10:34). On that first resurrection day, they heard a number of people tell them they had actually seen angels and Jesus Himself. Amazingly, the disciples continued to question that it was true. However, before the day was over, their doubts were dispelled. They would know that Christ is risen!

The first section is "Amazed Women." vv. 1-8 When the body of Jesus was removed from the cross, the women who had come from Galilee watched as they placed Jesus' body in the tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea. The women returned to their dwelling, purchased "sweet spices," and prepared to go back after the Sabbath to anoint the body. The women also knew that a large stone had been placed at the entry of the tomb.

After the Sabbath was past, as they were walking toward the tomb, they faced the question, "Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulcher?" The stone was far too great in weight for the women to move it. Even though they were facing a mission with an insurmountable obstacle, they were not deterred from their action. This is a great lesson for us today. We may be facing a difficult situation, but we are not to be discouraged, but are to press forward knowing that God will make a way. We are to have faith that if we are on a divine mission, God will make a way for us. He may go before us and remove the stone like He did on Easter morning, or He may make other arrangements after we arrive. Either way, we are not to faint and lose heart. We are to be about our Father's business.

The sepulcher where Jesus' body had been laid was large enough for people to enter. When the women saw that the stone had been rolled away, they entered in. They saw "a young man sitting on the right side." Matthew tells us he was an angel. The angel says, "Be not affrighted." "Affrighted" means to be amazed, thrown into terror, petrified. Verses six and seven contain short, powerful statements including: "Be not affrighted...behold the place...go your way...tell His disciples." The disciples needed some good news and the women had the good news to tell them.

There are six statements of fact: "Ye seek Jesus...which was crucified...He is risen...He is not here...He goeth before you...there shall ye see Him." The body had not be stolen. He had risen from the dead! One principle from this passage is that Jesus goes before us in our lives. This is a great comfort to His believers. We know He goes before us, He is our rear guard, and He walks with us right where we are.  We must fulfill our duty as far as we can, and trust God to take care of the rest. We must not get bogged down in thinking of all the difficulties, and end up doing nothing. We need to be like the amazing women and go forth not focusing on the obstacles, but knowing that God has a plan.

The second section is "Doubting Disciples." vv. 9-14 After the crucifixion, the disciples return and are confused, disappointed, and without hope. Jesus appeared to the women, but also to Mary Magdalene individually. At first, Mary thought Jesus was a Gardner. When He spoke her name, she recognized Him. Sorrow returned to rejoicing. When Mary told the disciples that Jesus was alive, they did not believe her. Jesus also appeared to two men walking to Emmaus. He agreed to share a meal with them and when He prayed their eyes were opened. They returned to the disciples to proclaim that Jesus was alive, but the eleven did not believe them either.

That evening the disciples were assembled behind close doors and Jesus came and "stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you." Jesus showed them His nail scarred hands and the wounds to His body. Mark's Gospel states that Jesus "upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen Him after He was risen." The disciples refused to believe in the resurrection until it was impossible for them to deny it.

A powerful argument for the proof of the resurrection, which I have used many times is this:
If Christ had not arose, and it was a lie, disciples would not have been willing to die for their faith When faced with death if they would not renounce Christ, if they knew it was a lie, they would have denied their faith. All but John died the death of a martyr. Maybe one person would have died for a lie, but not ten. The fact that disciples were willing to die for their faith in Jesus Christ is because they had seen Him after the resurrection.

Years ago, there was a cult that committed suicide waiting for a space ship to take them to another planet. They poisoned themselves to gain entry on the ship. This is different, these people died thinking they knew truth but were uncertain. The disciples would have known if the resurrection was a lie and they would not knowingly died for a lie.

The Golden Text: "And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain." 1 Corinthians 15:14 Our faith is not in vain because we that have been saved and sanctified have the witness of the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ is indeed alive today! Celebrate this Resurrection Sunday, because our God lives! Celebrate this Resurrection Sunday, because our God reigns! Celebrate this Resurrection Sunday, because our God will return again!

My summary points:
1. Sometimes God uses people that the world doesn't respect.
2. The Lord goes before us when we walk in faith.
3. When facing sorrow and disappointment, let the Lord unfold the Scriptures to you.

Next week, "Condemnation of the Self-righteous." Romans 2: 1-16

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for encouragement.

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