Thursday, April 16, 2020

Regeneration and Entire Sanctification Not Identical Part 2

11. Does this distinction harmonize with Christian experience?

It does. All Christians are regenerated, while but few claim to be sanctified wholly. The penitent sinner seeks for pardon and acceptance, and is not concerned for the blessing of perfect love, or entire justification. After regeneration, the more clearly the light of justification shines, the more the converted soul will see its indwelling sin, and feel the necessity of entire sanctification.

Thousands of intelligent Christians, whose experience in regard to regeneration and sanctification has been clear, can testify to the following:--

1. They have had a clear evidence of justification and regeneration.

2. While in possession of this evidence, they have been convinced of inbred sin, or corruption.

3. They have sought and obtained a sensible purification of heart in which all sin was taken away, and they were enabled to love God with all the heart.

4. They have had as clear and distinct witness of the Spirit, to this "second blessing," as they ever had of justification and regeneration.

12. Does the Lord ever entirely sanctify the soul at justification and regeneration?

We do not know. Possibly this may be the case in some instances, but, certainly, is not the usual order of God. In all our acquaintance with many thousands of the purest and best Christians in all the various churches, we have yet to find a clear case of entire sanctification at conversion. While multitudes claim that their souls have been cleansed from all sin subsequent to their justification, we do not recollect a single instance of a distinct witness of entire sanctification at conversion.

Mr. Wesley says: "But we do not know a single instance, in any place, of a person's receiving in one and the same moment remission of sins, the abiding witness of the Spirit, and a new and a clean heart." -- Plain Account, p. 34.

In giving an account of Grace Paddy, who was convicted of sin, converted, and purified within twelve hours, he says: "Such an instance I never knew before; such an instance I never read a person convinced of sin, converted to God, and renewed in love within twelve hours Yet it is by no means incredible, seeing one day is with God as a thousand years." -- Works, vol. iv. p. 219.

Dr. Clarke says: "I have been twenty-three years a traveling preacher, and have been acquainted with some thousands of Christians during that time, who were in different states of grace; and I never, to my knowledge, met with a single instance where God both justified and sanctified at the same time." -- Etheridge's Life of Dr. A. Clarke.

13. How did Mr. Wesley view the idea that the soul is entirely sanctified at regeneration?

As a dangerous heresy. On its account after several long interviews with Count Zinzendorf a leading Moravian, he separated himself and his societies from all communion and fellowship with the Moravians.

"We may learn" (says Mr. Wesley) "the mischievousness of that opinion, that we are wholly sanctified when we are justified; that our hearts are then cleansed from all sin." -- Works, vol. i. p. 119.

I cannot therefore by any means receive this assertion, that there is no sin in a believer from the moment he is justified; --

"1. Because it is contrary to the whole tenor of Scripture."

"2. Because it is contrary to the experience of the children of God."

"3. Because it is absolutely new, never heard of in the world till yesterday."

"4. Because it is naturally attended with the most fatal consequences; not only grieving those whom God hath not grieved, but, perhaps, dragging them into everlasting perdition." -- Sermons, vol. i. p. 111.

Dr. George Peck says: "Would it not be a sad indication of the degeneracy of Methodism in this country, if what Mr. Wesley, under God our great founder, considered heresy, and opposed With All His Might, should be cherished as the very marrow of the gospel by the ministers and people of the Methodist Episcopal Church?" -- Christian, Perfection, p. 364.

Rev.. William Bramwell writes to a friend: "An idea is going forth, that when we are justified we are entirely sanctified," and "to feel evil nature after justification is to lose pardon," &c. You may depend upon it, this is the devil's great gun. We shall have much trouble with this, and I am afraid we cannot suppress it." -- Memoir.

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