Thursday, April 2, 2020

Why Are Christians Worried During COVID-19?

I hear people speaking fear and worry concerning COVID-19, even among those who have a profession of faith. It’s all around us. If you listen to the news, it is mostly bad news, especially on those liberal stations that will do anything to support the killing of babies in the womb. Again, another article for another day. The economy is being destroyed. The stock market is falling. Churches can’t assemble. More people getting sick and dying everyday. Those are facts. May I provide you another fact? But first, a question, who is regulating affairs on earth today—God, or the devil? If you believe that God is, then you understand my lack of worry over the COVID-19.

“Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine; Thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as Head above all.” 1 Chronicles 29:11

If God is head above all, can there be anything not subject to His will and control? If He is in control, our duty is not to worry or fret, but to remain true to God. We should be in His Word daily, and extending our prayer time with Him. Now let be clear, it is acceptable to have concern about world events, but not to hold onto that concern. 1 Peter 5:7 states: “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” When you examine the word “casting,” it is like a fisherman standing on the shore casting his line into the water to catch a fish. However, the illustration ends there. The Biblical “casting” also involves cutting the line. There is no taking back. We are to take our worries, cares, anxieties and cast them to the Lord Jesus Christ. He will receive them. You don’t want them back. This is where today many are falling short. They are refusing to cast!

God is in charge, not the devil. He is doing a work that we may not understand. In Habakkuk, the prophet brings a complaint against God in chapter 1 verses 2-4. In essence, the prophet is concerned about the Lord’s inactivity in the midst of their difficult situation. The Lord’s answer in verse 5 states that He is doing a work that Habakkuk can’t see and wouldn’t even believe it if he was told about it. In confidence, I pronounce that the same thing is occurring today. While God may appear inactive, He is very much involved in the COVID-19 pandemic. Families are spending more time together. Christians are becoming more bold in their testimonies. Our light is shining in the midst of great darkness. The god of sports has been dealt with much in the way God dealt with the gods of Egypt. The gods of entertainment, which are mostly filth and trash, have been reduced to empty theaters. Do you notice their voice has grown more silent. All this a result of the pandemic which has forced us to change the way we live.

I suggest to you that God is at work behind the scenes. He is doing a good work. We see the positive results each day. Don’t be worried, trust in His Providence. Cut the line of care and worry and give it to Him.

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