Thursday, April 23, 2020

What is the Cause of Prejudice Against Entire Sanctification?

BLJ: I have met "Christians" that were strongly opposed to entire sanctification. I remember a meeting with a Church of Christ minister and one of the members of the church I pastored asked him a pointed question (he was an attorney). He asked him if it was possible would he like to be set free from his carnal heart, to not have an inner struggle? The minister responded that he would not want to be set free. How amazing it is that people would cling to sin while claiming to be a Christian minister. Today, we look at some reasons for the prejudice.

What is the cause of so much prejudice against the doctrine of entire sanctification, and even of hostility to it?

1. The doctrine is misunderstood. Multitudes misapprehend its true nature. It is often taken to mean more than is intended, and more than is taught by the Church. There are thousands within the bosom of our church who are astonishingly ignorant of the doctrine as taught by our standards. In these days of newspapers and light literature which are flooding the land, everything else is read but the excellent works written on this subject.

We think it a serious matter that our grand old religious biographies, which formerly educated our people, such as Fletcher, Clark, Bramwell, Stoner, Carvosso, &c., are being very largely supplanted in our Sabbath schools by light and questionable literature. The valuable books published on this doctrine and experience are read by only a small part of the membership of the church.

2. The doctrine and experience of entire sanctification has been prejudiced among common people by being frequently identified with culture, social refinement, and the highest finish; then of course it can be possessed only by the few who have the time, the means, and the opportunity to obtain the highest development and brightest polish, and cultivation. This is an egregious blunder, contrary to the very genius of the gospel. The highest style of gospel salvation is adapted to the mass of humanity, the common people. A plowman may be entirely sanctified without becoming a polished scholar; and a plain, godly mother may be free from all sin, though she may know nothing of social refinement or literary cultivation.

3. Many of our ministers are at fault in this matter, in not seeking this blessed experience themselves; for not studying and mastering the subject; and for not preaching it more clearly, strongly, and explicitly to the people.

4. Much of the prejudice and opposition to this doctrine comes from remaining depravity in unsanctified believers. Indwelling sin is an antagonism to holiness and, in so far as any Christian has inbred sin, he has it within him opposition to holiness. Many, most, do not yield to it, but resist it, pray against it, and keep it under; others, we are sorry to know, both in the ministry and laity, yield to their depravity, and stand in opposition to God's work.

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