Thursday, April 9, 2020

Objections to Holiness Answered Part 2

BLJ: We continue to look at objections to holiness and providing real answers. Always be prepared to give an answer when God opens a door for you to witness.

5. "If a man is entirely sanctified, I cannot see any chance for further improvement."
In answer to this objection see question 37.
Dr. D. A. Whedon says: "There is, and can be no subsequent experience of a distinct change, for restoration to the image of God is complete. There is development and growth, but no specially marked gradations. Heretofore the work of the Spirit has affected the quality of the love; henceforth it increases the quantity. The love is now pure, and future growth gives more and more pure love, -- the measure of it will depend upon the soul's capacity." -- N. C. Advocate, 1862.
Rev. B. W. Gorham says: "Growth in grace is mostly subsequent to the obtainment of purity of heart." ... "Now when grace has cleansed the heart, the salvation of the subject is perfected -- completed. And that heart can not be more than simply clean. But can not grace, that performed the work of purifying that heart, still work within to enrich and endow it with new measures of love, light, and power? " -- God's Method with Man, p. 157.

6. "This doctrine leads to pride."
That cannot be, as perfect humility is an essential part of it. When it can be shown that health leads to sickness, strength to weakness, light to darkness, wealth to poverty, or virtue to vice, then, in the nature of things, this objection may be true. No Christian (other circumstances being equal) has so clear and correct views of original and acquired depravity, of actual sin, of his dependence on Christ, and of his numberless weaknesses and infirmities as he who is made perfect in love.
These more than any other, sensibly feel their unworthiness, and that salvation is by grace. Pride would sever their union with Christ, plunge them into darkness and doubt at once; hence, they in spirit lie in the dust, at the feet of the Lord Jesus. While Christ has done great things for them whereof they are glad, yet they say, "By the grace of God I am what I am;" and, "What have I that I have not received?"
Can it be that seeking to be humble, and being humble, is the way to become proud? or that spiritual poverty, lowliness, and meekness tend to self-importance? If so, the more religion one has the greater danger of his losing it; hence, the less religion we have, the better.
If Christians are in danger of spiritual pride, that danger is greatest to those who have the least religion, otherwise the less religion we have the safer we are.
The plain truth is, the life will answer to the heart as the streams to the fountain, the fruit to the tree. Make the tree good and the fruit will be good. Cleanse the fountain, and the streams will be sweet. Christ said, "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good
things, and the evil man out of the evil treasure, evil things." Hence, to secure a "clean" or "pure heart," is not the path to pride or self-importance.
Dr. Steele answers this objection: "As well might you ask whether a man would not lift up his head haughtily when his neck has been broken." ... "When it is demonstrated that men must drink a little whiskey daily in order to be temperate, steal a trifling amount every day in order to be honest, tell a few fibs every twenty-four hours in order to be truthful, and occasionally violate the seventh commandment that they may maintain purity, then we will sit down and soberly answer this objection." -- Love Enthroned, p. 73.

7. "It leads to fanaticism."
That there have been fanatics who have believed and advocated this doctrine, we admit; but we do not admit that Christian holiness either made them fanatics, or tends to fanaticism.
It is said that one or two persons, among the many thousands who have attended Mr. Moody's meetings, have become insane but who believes that Mr. Moody's teachings lead to insanity, and stays from his meetings on that account? A student at Cornell University recently became insane and committed suicide; but what parent believes that education tends to insanity, and refuses to educate his son lest he become insane?
If it be true that entire devotion to God, and a heart full of religion, tend to fanaticism, then Christianity is self-destructive, and the more we have, the worse we are off. If to come out from the world, and lead a self-denying life, striving to obey, love, and please God in all things, be fanaticism, then the Bible requires us all to be fanatics, and the churches ought to be full of them.
The worst and the most common religious fanatics, are those who expect the end without the means, -- who expect the blessing of God without seeking it, -- who are expecting heaven without securing either a title to it, or a preparation for it. God has joined the end and the means together, and it is fatally fanatical to expect pardon and heaven without repentance, faith, and holiness.

8. "It sets aside repentance."
No, indeed! Perfect Christians have a deeper abhorrence of sin, more pungent conviction of their former depravity and guilt before God, and greater holy shame and grief over their present defects, than any other class of Christians. They have shortcomings, but not such as the unholy are guilty of -- they do not neglect any known duty, or do anything which they believe will be displeasing to God: but short-sightedness, infirmities of body, and defective knowledge, all involve involuntary failures, entirely consistent with pure intentions and perfect love to God. Purity of heart involves a tender conscience, spiritual poverty, and perfect repentance.

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