Friday, October 30, 2020

How may a state of entire sanctification be retained? Part 1

 How may a state of entire sanctification be retained?

There are many who once enjoyed the blessing of perfect love who have now lost it. Some have received it several times, and, after all, are now without it. The conditions of retaining perfect love, like the conditions of retaining justification, are the same as those by which it was obtained; namely, a complete submission of the soul to God, and simple faith in Christ for present salvation. This submission and faith, graduated by increasing light and grace, must continue through life if perfect love be retained. To retain this grace; --

1. You must maintain a continuous, entire consecration -- a complete self-abandonment to God. "The altar sanctifieth the gift;" and it is only when our all is upon the altar of consecration that we can be in a state of sanctification. No part of the price can ever be taken back if we would retain the witness of perfect love. Your consecration must continue complete, corresponding with increasing light, through all your life; and you will have occasion to watch yourself, and guard this point thoroughly. Keep yourself, your all, submitted to God.

2. To retain full salvation, you must continue to believe. "The just shall live by faith." We are "kept by the power of God, through faith, unto salvation." As soon as people cease to believe, they lose the blessing; for "we stand by faith." Sanctified Paul said: "The life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God." Faith is the vital bond between the renovated soul and God; and by it we are to abide in Christ, as the branch abides in the vine.

3. To retain the witness of the Spirit, and continue in the light of purity, you must confess it.

"For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." The fear of man often hinders people from this duty. This fear, which brings a snare, must be overcome. Many have resisted the Holy Spirit when they ought to have confessed the blessing; and in this way have lost it. Confessing entire sanctification does not exalt self; it humbles the soul, and gives glory to God. The call for clear witnesses and specific testimony for holiness, is more imperative in some places than in others, as in many places the witnesses for perfect love are very scarce and greatly needed. (See Section X.)

4. You must live constantly in the spirit of self-denial.

We must deny ourselves of everything sinful, and also of everything doubtful. "And he that doubteth is damned [condemned] if he eat, because he eateth not of faith; for whatsoever is not of faith is sin." Thousands have fallen by lawful things. It is not expedient for a sanctified soul to indulge in every gratification which is no

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