Saturday, October 31, 2020

How may a state of entire sanctification be retained? Part 2

5. You must live in the spirit of watchfulness.

Watch over your heart, and keep it "with all diligence." Watch over your lips, and be jealous of your tongue, and guard against a light and trifling spirit, by which multitudes have fallen into darkness and ruin. Watch for seasons of prayer and special communion with God. Watch for opportunities of doing and for receiving good. Watch against the allurements of the world, and against everything that is sensual, and has a tendency to lull the soul to sleep. Watch against temptations, and resist them in a moment -- steadfast in the faith. "Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."

6. You must be faithful to the teachings and drawings of the Holy Spirit.

"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." We must follow the Spirit of God, let consequences be what they may. The Holy Spirit will remind you of duty; you must instantly obey. The Spirit is very easily grieved, and you must promptly attend to all his teachings, or you may in a moment forfeit full redemption. His chosen emblem is the tender dove, and it will take its flight if its gentle monitions be not heeded.

The Spirit teaches and guides mainly by illumination, and little by impressions. He throws light upon nature and providence, but especially upon the Scriptures and our minds, illuminating the sacred page and our path, leading us to truth and duty. His teaching always accords with the word, hence we are not to look for dreams, visions, or impressions; these may have served their purpose in the earlier and darker dispensation. We have now, the voice of the Spirit -- the Bible. No measure of the Spirit can supersede the written word. We should never assume "wisdom above what is written."

7. You must read the Holy Scriptures daily.

The word of God is the voice of the Spirit. It is grieved when the truth is neglected or disobeyed. The Bible is soul-food. Perfect love will require nourishment daily. If you do not feed it with Bible truth it will die. Holiness furnishes a strong appetite for spiritual aliment. Those who have been the clearest in perfect love are those who have paid the greatest attention and deference to the word of God. The Bible is a well of living water. You will need to draw water daily out of this well of salvation; you can never drink it dry. The Bible is your chart and compass, and you will have occasion to examine it daily.

8. To retain the blessing of perfect love, you must constantly aim at growing in grace.

There is no standing still in religion. If we are not advancing we are retrograding. Many people have lost the witness of the Spirit by not pressing after a greater fullness. Christian holiness secures the best possible preparation for growth in grace; and there are heights and depths, and lengths, and breadths of the love of God, to which we must be constantly aspiring. If we do not press after them, we shall be likely to go backward and lose what we have before attained.

John Wesley wrote to Adam Clarke: "Last week I had an excellent letter from Mrs. Pawson, a glorious WITNESS of full salvation, showing how impossible it is to retain pure love without growing therein."

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