Saturday, October 24, 2020

Some Truths from God's Word Part 2


Written December 18, 2015

Great Love for you and me, brought Christ to Calvary!

Nailed to that cru-el wood, He did what none else could:

Redeem lost Adam's race, Give us in Heav'n a place!

To Beth-le-hem He came, E-mman-u-el, His Name;

He lay in sweet repose God, wrapped in swadd'ling clothes!

Angels announced His birth, three wise men knew His worth:

Gifts for The King, they brought, but, vainly Herod sought,

To find and slay Christ then, but God warned those wise men:

Return a dif-f'rent way, don't re-veal where Christ lay!

In lowly Gal-li-lee, In-carn-nate Royalty

Grew up from Child to Man, then showed us that God Can

Do what no Man can do, and proved His Word is TRUE!

The Way, The Truth, The Life, He dwelt midst human strife;

The humble He did heal, and showed His God-Head REAL!

But jealous rulers balked! and all His claims they mocked!

They tried God's Son to kill, but it was not until

God's time for this arrived, with Judas they connived,

With a deceitful KISS! he betrayed Christ with THIS!

All forsook Christ and fled; betrayed, DENIED, He bled,

Died on the Cross, ALONE! for OUR SINS to atone!

All can have PEACE WITH GOD! He rose up from the sod!

Blood from His hands, side, feet, sprinkle God's Mercy Seat.

O, hear His tender call: "Come, O, come one and all:

"Thy ransom I have paid: Peace with Thy God is made!

Though scarlet your sins show, they can be white as snow;

Like crimson though they be, now bring them all to Me:

I'll wash them white as wool, and give you joy that's full!

Repent, forsake all sin: I'll cleanse without, within;

Live purely till you die: I'll meet you in the sky!

Then take you unto Me, to dwell E-TER-NAL-LY!

Yes, celebrate my birth, but KNOW MY DEEPEST WORTH!

I came your soul to save, from you all sin to lave.


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