Sunday, October 18, 2020

Third Bible Study of the Quarter: Sing Unto the Lord

 Today’s lesson comes from Psalm 96:1-13. This study can focus both on the good news of salvation and the return of Jesus Christ. Some have called the 96th Psalm “A Great Missionary Hymn.” Other authors call attention to the universal Sovereignty of God or to the advent of Christ.

The words are very similar to those found in 1 Chronicles 16: 23-33, where the Psalm is ascribed to David. This Psalm was sung when the ark was brought to Jerusalem. Both Jews and Gentiles were called upon to worship the LORD. This Psalm shows a time of great rejoicing in the earth and among its inhabitants. What is the reason for the rejoicing? As the symbol of God’s presence (the ark) entered the city, even so the Messiah will come and reign on earth, and that will be a reason to be rejoicing!

The first section is “Sing Unto the Lord.” vv. 1-6 This portion can be divided up into two sections of three verses each. The first division contains the directives, and the second division the reasons for the directives. Verse 1 tells us to sing; verse two says to show forth; verse three commands us to declare. Verse four gives a reason, “For the LORD is great.” Verse five makes clear that our God is real as opposed to the idols worshipped by the unbelievers. Verse six tells us that in His presence are “honor and majesty...strength and beauty.” We are to sing, show forth and declare our God because He is great, a true God, and He is majestic and beautiful. There are many false religions and fake Christianity’s, but when you have a relationship with the true God of all creation, you cannot help but sing and shout His praises! You are thankful that He saved you by His grace through faith. You are thankful that you didn’t have to earn your salvation. In addition, you are anticipating His return to judge the world and make all things right. That is a reason to sing unto the Lord!

The second section is “Worship the Lord.” vv. 7-9 This section also contains directives. Verse seven states we are to give; verse 9 tells us to worship; verse 9 informs us that we are to fear. Giving is an integral part of worship. We are to give to God even though He is need of nothing. It is an expression of gratitude and loving submission. This includes giving tithes and offerings. We are to worship in the beauty of holiness. Purity was required. The God who is holy will not countenance any defilement, impurity, or sin. We are to fear, that is tremble, in solemn awe produced by the divine presence of our God. Worship of the Almighty includes a recognition of our insignificance and His infinite majesty.

The third section is "The Lord Reigneth." vv. 10-13 This last section describes the sovereign rule of our Lord. There is a steadfast assurance that He will come and will set things aright. The result will be stablility and joy. We are to make a universal proclamation. We are to "say among the heathen," the LORD reigneth. the eternal, omnipotent God will ultimately triumph, and He shall "judge the people righteously."  As a result, "Let the heavens rejoice...let the earth be glad...let the sea roar...Let the field be joyful...all the trees of the wood rejoice Before the LORD." We can rejoice that our LORD is coming to judge the earth. That is, provided we are ready. Are we walking in holiness that becometh the house of the LORD? God will govern by the standard of His holy nature, and He will judge "the people with His truth." He will execute judgment on the wicked and reward the righteous. He has made a way for us through the blood of Jesus Christ to look forward to that day. Do you look with anticipation to that day? If not, you can!

The Golden Text is: "Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee." (Psalm 67:3) We are to have hearts of praise. We that want to praise God should want others to do so also. Our prayer should be: (1) that the gospel might be preached to the lost; (2) that they might be converted and brought into the body of Christ; and (3) that they might be incorporated into solemn assemblies, and might praise God in a local body, and that they might all together praise Him with one mind and one voice. 

My summary points:

1. We are to sing, show forth and declare our praises to God.

2. We are to give, worship and fear the LORD.

3. Jesus is coming again and we are to be ready. Until He does come, we are to be a people singing praise to Him!

Next week's lesson, "Bless the Lord, O My Soul." (Psalm. 103: 1-14). 

Don't forget to read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement!

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