Friday, January 8, 2021

Being Spiritually Drawn

By Duane V. Maxey
       This message contains two verses of Scripture I HAVE NEVER, BEFORE SEEN IN THE LIGHT THAT THEY CAME TO ME TODAY.  I pray that God will use these verses, and the entire message: A) to awaken unsaved readers and help bring about their deliverance; and B) awaken us, who are Christians, to see, and do all that Jesus wants us to do to bring about the salvation of precious souls! -- Bro. Duane

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       In Revelation 12:4 we read of him: -- "His tail DREW the third part of the stars of heaven..." He makes himself "A VERY Attractive Enticer"!  And one need only look at the worldly and wicked attractions everywhere on earth to see that Satan is no amateur when it  comes to DRAWING.  With the same power he used to draw away one-third of Heaven's angels, he has drawn toward himself and toward Hell VAST NUMBERS, around the globe!
       And, he starts as soon as a child is born!  The last part of the above verse says, "the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born." Why do children "go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies" (Ps 58:3)? Not only because they are "estranged from the womb" but also because from the moment they are born, Satan does his utmost to DRAW THEM to himself!
       And where do Satan's drawings take a soul?  Jeremiah 22:19 depicts one aspect of their end:-- The damned "shall be buried with the burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem."  Beyond the gates of New Jerusalem shall all of the damned be forever cast!  Reader, contrary to all of Satan's pleasant enticements, those who follow his Hellward Drawings shall forever regret that they allowed themselves to be drawn by Him!  Their end will NOT be "Pretty" nor "Enjoyable"!

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       In Hosea 11:4 we read: -- "I DREW them with cords of a man, with bands of love: and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws, and I laid meat unto them."
       Commenting on this verse, Adam Clarke said: -- "I drew them with cords of a man] This is a reference to leading strings,one end of which is held by the child, the other by the nurse, by which the little one, feeling some support, and gaining confidence, endeavours to walk. God, their heavenly Father, made use of every means and method to teach them to walk in the right and only safe path; for, as the Targum says, 'As beloved children are drawn I drew them by the strength of love.'"
       Yes Satan goes after the children, but Christ also draws them with His Loving and Gentle "Leading Strings."  I know this is so, for thus He drew ME when I was a mere child, age 7.  And Hosea 11:4 also shows us that while the Evil One draws with lusts and falsehoods, Jesus tugs at our hearts with True Love & True Promises.  "As beloved Children we are continually drawn to him by the strength of His Love!" Blessed by His Wonderful Name!
       Songwriter, Philip Doddridge, testified in his song, Happy Day:
       "'Tis done--the great transaction's done;
       I am my Lord's, and He is mine;
       He DREW me and I followed on,
       Charmed to confess the voice Divine."
       How wonderful it is to know that we are "Being Drawn" by Christ, not "drawn away" toward damnation, but "Drawn ON" in the Blessed Way that ends in Glory!  Hallelujah!  I'm glad to be one-such, aren't you!

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       James 1:14 says, "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed."
       In this verse we learn that "everyone" is personally responsible for being drawn -- whether by it be by the lusts and enticements to of the devil, or whether instead he is "Charmed" by the Love, Loveliness, and Holiness of Christ.
       In warning the persecuting Jewish leaders, Gamaliel told them how: "Judas of Galilee (rose up) in the days of the taxing, and DREW AWAY much people after him," and that "he also perished; and all, even as many as obeyed him, were dispersed" (cf. Acts 5:37).
       How sad it shall be at the Judgment for those who purposely chose to follow the one DRAWS AWAY -- away from Heaven, and into Damnation!
       In Psalm 18:16, David testified, "He sent from above, he took me, HE DREW ME out of MANY WATERS."  Sinner friend, many of us can testify that Jesus DREW US OUT OF MANY SINS into the joy and assurance of Salvation.
       Reader, Jesus will do the same for You!  He said in John 12:32, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will DRAW ALL MEN UNTO ME."  Praise His wonderful Name!  Yes, Satan has power to draw way into Hell, but Christ HAS GREATER DRAWING POWER!  Turn to Him NOW, and He will DRAW YOU OUT of the pit of sin, and into His Forgiveness, His Grace, and His Eternal Joy in Heaven!

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       Reader, today for the first time this Scripture came to my attention, in the sense it which I set it before the reader.  Let exegetical interpreters insist as they may on a different interpretation, I set forth their words as A SOLEMN WARNING FROM THE LORD:
       Proverbs 24:11-12
       "11 -- If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
       "12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He know it? and shall not He render to every man according to his works?"
       Brethren, If we forbear doing what we can and should to help bring about the deliverance of Precious Souls, who are now being "DRAWN UNTO DEATH" by the devil...
       If we have no concern about the damnation of souls, saying, "I knew nothing about it," or, "I didn't realize I had any responsibility regarding their souls!"
       Doth not God look on the matter, and see that we are ignoring to do what you should?  Shall not He Who Keeps OUR SOULS KNOW that we are neglected our responsibility as His people? Also, shall not Christ, when He rewards us at the Judgment, withhold from us those Eternal Blessings He WOULD HAVE given us, if we had been more faithful and concerned about seeing precious souls saved?!!

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       "Precious Lord, in Jeremiah 31:31 I read:-- "The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore WITH LOVINGKINDNESS HAVE I DRAWN THEE."  Oh Thou Loving, and Great "Drawer from Sin and Damnation," Please help ME, and every individual who reads this message, to do what we Can and Should to help bring about the deliverance of precious souls, who may be lost if we fail to obey! -- In Jesus' Holy Name, I pray.  Amen."

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