Sunday, January 3, 2021

Deuteronomy Study One: A Call to Obedience

 Today's lesson is based on Deuteronomy 4: 1-10. The title "Deuteronomy" comes from two Greek words, "deuteros" meaning second, and "nomos" meaning law. Thus, we have the "second giving of the law." Deuteronomy is a book of transition. The first generation of unbelieving Israelites had passed away, and the second generation was about to enter the Promised Land. The life of wilderness wanderings was coming to a close, and the people would become owners of property, living in homes and cities. Leadership of the nation would pass from Moses to Joshua, who would lead the Israelites in the conquest of Canaan. 

Moses, in the closing days of his life, anted to male clear to this new generation what God expected from them. He assured them of God's blessings for they obedience, and warned of disaster if they turned away from the true and living God. Moses gave the admonitions just prior to their crossing of the Jordan River. The book is a series of messages from an aged leader to the new generation. It was only by God's power could they enter the land, conquer the land, and live in peace. 

The first section is: "I Have Taught You." vv. 1-4 In the first three chapters, Moses recounts God's goodness to the Israelites during their wilderness wanderings. The verses of this lesson have been divided into three portions. In the first four verses  there are three thoughts to consider: hearing and doing; adding to and taking from God's Word; and sin which brings death versus obedience which secures life. 

Moses uses the phrase, "Now therefore hearken, O Israel...." In Hebrew thought, hearing required a response to the information being conveyed. If you didn't act on the words, you didn't hear them. This is similar to a parent telling their child to clean up their room. The parent comes back and sees the room not cleaned. The parent might say, "Didn't you hear me?" The parent is not checking the physical ability to hear, but rather, why have you not acted. To hear is to obey.

This is similar to James who writes that we must be, "doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." (James 1: 22) God's purpose for Israel was that they would keep God's laws "that ye may live...and possess the land." The Israelites were not to "add unto the word," and not to "diminish ought from it." To add tot the word would be to say that God had given an incomplete declaration and to substitute the opinion of man for God. Similarly, the people were not to "diminish" the word of God. To neglect any part of God's Word would eventually bring destruction to the soul. "God's work is perfect; nothing can be put to it, nor taken from it." (Matthew Henry) The Bible does not contain the "Ten Suggestions." 

In verse 3, we are told that the Israelites had been eye witnesses to what happens to individuals who disregard God's laws. "Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baal-peor." Due to intermarriage with ungodly people, twenty-four thousand had died. (Numbers 25) However, those that stayed close to the LORD stayed alive. It was by faithful observance to the law, they remained alive. God's Word is to be obeyed and acted upon. To do so brings life, to not do so brings calamities. 

The second section is "This Is Your Wisdom." vv. 5-8 This section reveals the benefits of knowing an obeying God's laws. Some of those benefits will include the following: clarity of thought, discernment, influence on others, respect, evidence of God's presence, assurance of answered prayer, and an orderly society. In contrast, failure to obey produces the opposite of this list. 

People have the responsibility to hear and obey, and preachers have a responsibility to lead and instruct. People needs God's laws for guidance and direction in how they should live their lives. The Israelites were commanded to keep God's laws as an example to the nations around them. Those watching would say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people." God's laws are for our benefit, they will lead to a prosperous and blessed life. 

Just as sin separates men from God, obedience secures God's nearness. "The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." (Psalm 145: 18) Having God near you through obedience will be seen in His miracles, manifestations of grace, answers to prayer, and daily provision. John Wesley said: "The true greatness of a nation doth not consist in pomp or power, or largeness of empire, as commonly men think, but in the righteousness of its laws." Obeying God's law is wisdom and that wisdom will be seen in your life by others.

The third section is "Teach Them Thy Sons." vv. 9-10 This last section stresses the importance of teaching the succeeding generations the commands of God. We must realize that God's directives are not mere human fabrications. The code of ethics by which we live have been God-given. Personal testimony of God-given convictions is important. May we not fail in our responsibility to pass this holiness heritage to the next generation. 

Verse 9 instructs us to remember what we have seen in the past about God's powerful impact in our lives. We are not to forget so we may pass these truths onto our sons and daughters. Verse 10 states that the Israelites were to tell their children about the day they received the commands from God. Personal testimony from a parent or one in authority is very impactful on youth. While of course we were not at Horeb when the commandments were given, however we can testify about our coming to faith, including when we were sanctified wholly. "Those that neglect family religion, neglect personal religion." (Adam Clarke) We are entrusted with the truth about Jesus Christ and it is incumbent upon us to pass that truth to the next generation. 

The Golden Text is: "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." (Eccl. 12: 13) We are to reverence God and have respect for Him and His Word. We show that respect when we obey His Word. Our obedience is not only in church, but in the home, at work, and during leisure activities. 

My summary points:

1. Hearing God's Word means to obey His Word.

2. It is in our best interests to obey God's Word.

3. We must be faithful to the next generation and instruct them in God's Word.

Next week: "The Ten Commandments." (Deuteronomy 5: 6- 21)

Please read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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