Thursday, January 14, 2021

Some May Dread While Others Are Fearless

     As related by Samuel Chadwick in his book, "GOD LISTENS -- To The Crying Heart In The Secret Place."
 God is our Father! That is the crowning fact. To the child He is just Father. Others may cringe in fear, but the child heart is a stranger to terror. I have never forgotten the dread that gripped me when, as a youth, I was invited to go for an interview at the manse (a manse is a house occupied by a minister of a Presbyterian church). I walked past the door several times before I had courage to ring the bell, and as I stood at the door my heart throbbed in my ears.
     Imagine my surprise when shown into the room to find the great man on all-fours, giving a ride to riotously happy children, who turned his long beard into driving-reins! He was their father! They knew nothing of the awe in which others stood of him, and as they grew older and knew something of his greatness their reverence deepened, but they were not fearful. The children of the House are free and fearless.

When we are in a right relationship to our God, we have nothing to fear. While others may have dread and terror at the thought of seeing Him, we can approach Him as a child to his Father. That is very good news!

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