Monday, January 4, 2021

How and Why?

HOW? -- and -- WHY?
By Duane V. Maxey
       Acts 8:30 -- "And Philip ran thither to him, and HEARD HIM READ THE PROPHET ESAIAS, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?"

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       I am now 83 years old, and NEVER, until this morning did the question EVER enter my mind: -- "HOW did Philip HEAR the Ethiopian Eunuch READ the prophet Esaias (Isaiah)?
 Well obviously -- Philip HEARD the Ethiopian reading Isaiah, because the eunuch was READING OUT LOUD!
       In my Bible Program, I found four Commentaries mention this:
       a) Adam Clarke: -- "The eunuch, it seems, was reading ALOUD.."
       b) Matthew Poole: -- "Heard him read . . with a LOUD VOICE.."
       c) Philip Doddridge -- "heard him reading.. for HE READ ALOUD.."
       d) The Fourfold Gospel -- "Hearing the man reading ALOUD.."
        I don't know why this escaped my notice, for all these years.  It should be as obvious as the sounding of a bell! but it never caught my attention until this morning.
       However, that brings up another question:

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       WHY would a man READ OUT LOUD to himself?  It would seem that the reason he was reading aloud was because HE WAS NOT ALONE!
       Matthew Poole believed that the Eunuch was accompanied with some of his attendants:-- "Heard him read the prophet Esaias, with a loud voice, it is like, TO INSTRUCT SOME OF HIS ATTENDANTS."
       Philip Doddridge concurs:-- "..he read aloud, that his own mind might be more deeply impressed with it, AND THAT HIS SERVANTS WHO WERE NEAR HIM MIGHT RECEIVE SOME BENEFIT BY IT."
       In his Devotional Commentary, Spurgeon's comment seems to reflect that HE ALSO believed that the Eunuch was NOT ALONE: -- Spurgeon wrote: -- If a teacher, on his visit, finds PEOPLE occupied with the word of God.."
       However, if the Eunuch had attendants with him, why are there so many remarks in THE SINGULAR?:--
       "A man of Ethiopia, an eunuch"
       "Philip ran thither to HIM"
       "How can (I), except some man should guide ME?"
       "Philip.. preached unto HIM Jesus."
       "Here is water; what doth hinder ME to be baptized?"
 "they went down BOTH into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized HIM."
       MY QUESTION IS: -- IF the Eunuch was reading ALOUD because he was reading also to others, WHY does not the Scripture say "THEM" (referring also to the Eunuch's attendants also), instead of just HIM always?  One answer might be: -- none of the Eunuch's attendants were Jewish Proselytes.  So reference is never made to THEM, instead of just HIM (the Eunuch).

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