Sunday, October 31, 2021

Fifth Lesson of the Quarter: A Servant Reclaimed

 Today's lesson comes from Philemon 1: 4-19. This lesson focuses on Paul's request that Philemon would receive Onesimus back into his service. Onesimus had been a slave or servant to Philemon. When he ran away, he may have taken property which belonged to Philemon. Philemon was a Gentile, having been raised under Roman law.

he Jewish concept of slavery was vastly different from the Roman concepts. Jewish laws regarding slavery were as follows:

1. They were treated as household members (Lev. 25:53).

2. They became partakers of the covenant (Gen. 17:27).

3. They were freed during the Sabbatical ear (Ex. 21:2).

4. They were freed if injured (Ex. 21:26,27).

5. A person who killed a slave was severely punished (Ex. 21:20).

6. Escaped slaves were not to be returned to their masters (Deut. 23:15,16).

Philemon is the shortest of Paul's letters. This letter is more personal than his other letters, and Paul is writing yo a good friend rather than from a position of authority. The main subject is the request for Philemon to forgive and receive back a servant (Onesimus)who had run away.

The first section is: Praise for Philemon. (vv. 4-7) Paul's life was characterized by evangelism and prayer. His letters generally contained expressions of his prayers for his converts. Philemon was one of those converts. Paul would have held him up in prayer.

Philemon had been saved approximately five years ago when Paul was at Ephesus. Paul had learned about Philemon's consistent walk of faith. It was Philemon's love for God that was manifested in his love for others. It was that love for others which led Paul to appeal to him for mercy for Onesimus. 

In this first section, Paul confirms much praise on Philemon. He speaks of his love and faith towards God and man (v. 5) and his good works toward others (v. 7). His conduct not only refreshed the saints, but it was also refreshing to Paul's spirit (v. 7).

The summary points of this section are:

1. Prayer is essential to perpetuating and preserving the work of God.

2. You can see someone's faith by their works. 

3. Your actions reveal your true beliefs.

The second section is: Plea for Onesimus. (vv. 8-19) Paul was an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and had apostolic authority to direct the affairs of churches and individuals. He could simply order Philemon to receive Onesimus back. Paul did not want to that. Paul wants to make his appeal of love, not compulsion. 

This Verse 9 is the only place in Scripture where Paul refers to his age (("Paul the aged"). Commentators tell us that Paul was approximately sixty years old at the time of the writing. Paul uses his age and current imprisonment to appeal to Philemon. Paul begins his request by calling Onesimus his son (v. 10). Paul goes on to say that Onesimus was now profitable to both himself and to Philemon. While Onesimus did not have to return to Philemon, verse 12 tells us that Paul as his spiritual father has sent him and we know he obeyed Paul's request. Paul states to Philemon, "thou therefore receive him...." Paul wants Philemon to receive him as he would receive Paul himself.

The summary points of this section are:

1. While God could compel men, He appeals to them in love.

2. Someone is not truly useful to another until they become believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. While it is the Lord Jesus Christ who saves, He uses people to tell others about Himself.

In verse 13, Paul states that he would have kept Onesimus as his servant, but he would not do that without Philemon's approval (v. 14). Paul wants Philemon to be involved in the decision making process and did not want to force him into anything. In verse 15, Paul suggests that Onesimus had left Philemon just for a season (brief period of time), but now would return as a brother beloved. Believers in Christ are brothers and sisters and should be treated so accordingly. Paul relies on his relationship with Philemon describing it as a partnership (v. 17), stating that any wrong done by Onesimus to Philemon would be paid by Paul. However, Paul reminds Philemon in verse 19 that he owes Paul for his deepest joys and hope of heaven. Paul was the spiritual father of both Philemon and Onesimus. It would be a small matter for Philemon to forgive Onesimus and to restore him to his favor. Paul was counting on Philemon to forgive Onesimus.

Paul's willingness to take on Onesimus' debt is typical of our Lord Jesus Christ who took our guilt and paid our debt. Martin Luther said, "We are all the Lord's Onesimi." All had run from God, but Christ paid our sin debt and brought us back to be received by the Father!

The summary points of this portion are:

1. We are in partnership with other Christians to do the Lord's work.

2. We should be quick to forgive others if we want to be forgiven.

3. God in His Providence controls the affairs of men and that includes returning them as brothers to those they have wronged. 

The Golden Text is: "Not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved." (Philem. 16) Under Roman law, slaves were property to be bought and sold. If a runaway slave was caught, they could be crucified. Onesimus was blessed that his master had become a Christian. It was the Providence of God that Onesimus met Paul and heard the gospel. He lost his guilt and fear of the future when he turned over his life tot the Lord Jesus Christ. He was now a "doulas" (slave) to the Lord Jesus Christ. He could now trust God for his future. Ignatius, one of the early church fathers, says that Onesimus followed Timothy as the pastor of the Ephesian church. 

By God's grace, a hopeless slave's life was completely changed. From runaway to pastor! The good news is that God is still changing lives today. Has He changed yours?

Next week: "Reconciled Through Christ." (Colossians 1: 9-22)

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Daily Devotions Day 5

“If God be for us, who can be against us." We need to remember the power of God being for us. Think about Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane. There are about 500 people with weapons coming to arrest Jesus. Peter takes his sword and cuts off someone's ear. You know he wasn't aiming for the ear, he was going to sever the head. He missed. Peter is among a small group of disciples but he was prepared to take on the Roman army. Why? Because he knew the power of Christ and that Jesus was on his side. He is on your side. Don't be afraid.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Daily Devotions Day 4

"Conduct yourselves worthy of the gospel...stand firm." We live in challenging times, but we can stand strong if we remember who we are. We are ambassadors of heaven. We represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Our allegiance is to Him and not pleasing those that hate Him. As we lean on Him, we can stand straight, that is stand firm. You have to "lean" to be "straight."

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Daily Devotions Day 3

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Oh, to have the mind of Christ as we go about our day. Brother Lawrence was a cook in a monastery in the 1600s. He wrote a book, "Practicing the Presence of God" that remains a classic today. We can have the mind of Christ no matter how mundane our activities are. You just have to "practice." Each moment should be lived concentrating on pleasing Christ. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Daily Devotions Day 2

“Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ....” As we live our lives sometimes it is challenging to think we are doing this. However, this is a moment by moment lifestyle. As the Holy Spirit prompts you consider whether the action you are taking is “worthy of the gospel.” He will help you. We should live every day as if it was our last. Let today be your best day.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Daily Devotions Day 1

This is my Daily Bible Meditation I write and text out each morning. Hope you enjoy it. My prayer is that these brief exhortations will encourage you to stand strong in the faith.

“Conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of Jesus Christ.” We are a walking billboard for the Lord Jesus Christ. We were chosen to live in this time period of life. Yes, evil abounds and things can be challenging. Take comfort that God picked you to live now because He knows you can make it now! We must be a student of the Word of God and commit to pray for each other.

Monday, October 25, 2021

The Love of God Part 12

THE LOVE OF GOD IS KEPT BY PRAYER:-- "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life" (Jude verses 20-21). I shall let this verse serve as its own commentary. It is part of the benediction at the close of Jude's epistle, and with it I conclude this article, having presented in their Biblical order with my comments, "The Twelve References To The Love Of God."

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Fourth Lesson of the Quarter: The Christian Home

 Today's lesson comes from Ephesians 5: 22-33; 6: 1-4. This teaching is woefully lacking in churches today, which in part explains why there are so many broken and dysfunctional homes. Paul's words will only find acceptance by those who know the Lord Jesus Christ. Those that just "confess Jesus" or "trust Jesus" will find them outdated and of little value. Paul was writing to believers and so am I. 

Paul lays out three keys to a happy home life, one that is pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ. The unit of the home is vital to social order. Much of the chaos today can be traced back to dysfunctional homes. Let us study the words written to the believers at Ephesus on relationships in the home.

The first section is: "Submissive Wives." (vv. 5: 22-24) Paul begins by speaking to the wives. Wives are to "submit yourselves unto your own husbands." The word "submit" in verse 22 is not in the Greek, but it is implied from verse 21. The submission required is not an absolute submission. A wife is never required to do wrong, to violate moral principles, or to do that which would be destructive to herself, the home or others. Submission should take place in a home of mutual respect and love. The commentator Albert Barnes has suggested the following areas that the wife should submit to her husband: "the style of living, expenses of the family, clothing, duties of children, business affairs, in everything except matters of conscience and religion." 

I like to look to the example of the Lord Jesus Christ and the church. As Christ is the head of the church, the husband is the head of the wife. If we look at what Christ does for the church, we can see a role model for the husband to follow. Christ loves the church and gave Himself for it. He guides and protects the church. He always seek to do good for the church. The church responds in obedience to that love and protection. If a husband will love and protect his wife and always seek to do her good, submission to love will never be an issue in genuinely born again people. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. Wives are to submit to their own husband. 

2. Wives are never to submit to sin or matters that would violate moral principles.

3. The Lord Jesus Christ provides the perfect example of how to be the head of someone.

The second section is: "Loving Husbands." vv. 25-33 Paul now turns to husbands. I am of the opinion that the role of the husband has greater responsibility than the wife's duty to submit. The husband is to love his wife the way Christ loved the church. This includes the willingness to lay down your life for your wife. The husband is to be attentive to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of his wife, not someone else's wife. "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church." A truly selfless love for his wife can only flow through a sanctified heart. 

Christ's love for His church transcends her shortcomings and failures. A husband is not to be critical of his wife, not focusing on her failures. Christ will have a church that is glorious and without spot or wrinkle. In the same way, the husband's love and care for his wife should be leading the wife in her spiritual journey helping her to mature in Christ.

Paul gives another standard for the love the husband is to show the wife. Husbands are to "love their wives as their own bodies." The husband is to consider his wife as "bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." The husband is to protect and cherish the wife as if she was his own body. He is to always have her highest good  and well bing as his goal. Paul summarizes his instructions in verse 33: ""let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." The wife's duty is a courteous submission, no usurping of authority but a respectful trust.

The summary points of this section ar: 

1. Husbands are to love their wives the way Christ loved the church.

2. Husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies.

3. Wives are to respect their husbands.

The third section is: Obedient Children. vv. 6: 1-4 After addressing wives and husbands, Paul turns to the children. Children are to "obey your parents in the Lord." Parents stand in the place of God to their children. The obedience required is to obey the parents when the parents give wishes in accordance to the will and word of God. The parent never has the authority to command a child to do that which is morally wrong. 

Children are to "honor thy father and mother." To honor one's parents is to render due regard, respect, obedience, relief and maintenance. Honoring Godly parents will keep a child from the vices and lifestyle which would shorten life. 

Paul closes his advice with directives to fathers. They are to "provoke not your children to wrath...." A parent should not give commands that are needless, unreasonable, or not achievable. Parents are called to correct, not to punish, their children. Further, parents are to "bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." Parents oversee the development of the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their children's eternal soul. God wants to work through Godly parents and they will be accountable to God for how they raise their children.

The summary points of this section are:

1. Children are to obey their parents when the parents' commands are according to the will and Word of God.

2. Fathers should not give commands that are unreasonable and unachievable. 

3. Parents are to verse the development of their children's souls.

The Golden Text is: "Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she severance her husband." (Ephesians. 5: 33) Husbands are to love their wives and wives are to respect their husbands. When husbands and wives follow Biblical principles, it makes for a happy home. When either or both violate Biblical principles, there will be dysfunction in the home and the children will suffer. We owe it to each other and to our children to follow the will and Word of God.

Next week: "A Servant Reclaimed." (Philemon 1: 4-19) 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Love of God Part 11

THE LOVE OF GOD IS NOT PRODUCTIVE OF GRIEF:-- "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous" (1 John 5:3). The love of sin, and the love of the world, sometimes produce momentary hilarity and transient pleasure, but in the end they always produce grief. The love of God in the keeping of His commandments is never grievous -- ever! One who loves God and keeps his commandments may suffer grief, but it can never be said that what God allows into his life is "grievous" in the sense of producing that which will bring him lasting and eternal remorse.

It is true that the writer to the Hebrews said that "no chastening [of God] for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby" (Heb. 12:11), but I think that one should look at the words here "seemeth to be... grievous." Often, what now "seems" to be "grievous" in the Christian's life is actually designed of God to bring great and eternal joy in Heaven, if not later on earth. The author of the old hymn, "Your Roses May Have Thorns," wrote: "The trials that may often seem most bitter, may bring to you the joys that make you sing."

The devil declares that loving God and keeping his commandments is a grievous thing, while the things he offers will bring happiness and joy. The exact opposite is true. The love of God and the keeping of His commandments are not grievous, and produce at last, eternal joy and bliss, "though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations" (1 Pet 1:6 ).

Friday, October 22, 2021

J A Woods Holiness Experience Part 3

 To know that God is mine; to feel that he dwells in my heart, rules my will, my affections, my desires; to know that he loves me ten thousand times better than I love him, — oh, what solid bliss is this!

As I now look back over the twenty-one beautiful years since that eventful hour,

“Oh, how can words with equal warmth The gratitude declare That glows within my ravished heart! But thou canst read it there.”

During these consecrated years I have had time, and every variety of circumstances, to test the genuineness of my submission and the saving power of God, and I am constrained to say, I know “the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth from all sin.” I state it with the most profound conviction of its truth, as well as of my own weakness and unworthiness. Oh, that I could describe my feelings of gratitude and love as I review the amazing grace and power of God! Truly,

“I stand all bewildered with wonder, And gaze on an ocean of love; While over its waves to my spirit, Comes peace like a heavenly dove.”

In the purified soul, the flow of joy is deeper and steadier than ever before. It breathes an atmosphere of purity, and is conscious that its entire inner being has been cleansed, and harmonized by Christ himself. Someone has beautifully said, “This pure love is the same in nature, sweetness, and power, whether it be in David on the hill of Zion, Moses in the wilderness, or Paul in Athens. The same in the seraphic Fletcher at Madely, Wesley in London, in Fenelon at St. Sulpitius, or Madam Guyon in the Bastile. Like its author, it is forever the same, in all lands, whether on the banks of the Po, the Thames, or the Tiber, — in London, in Jerusalem, in New York. Whether possessed amid the grandeur and beauty of the Alps, in the cottages of the Waldensian mountains, or scattered along the more beautiful rivers, over the broader plains of our own loved America. Names, sects, parties have no power to change it. It is the same under all forms of government and in every dispensation; it is the image and likeness of God, the ‘kingdom of God within you,’ ‘righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.’ ”

It is the richest gift of God to man. It sweetens this bitter cup of life, and lessens its sorrows; it smooths the rough places over which we travel, and lightens the valley of the shadow of death. It will go with us to the last. It will bless us while living, bless us when dying, and then melt away in the light of heaven forever. Nothing but love can enter heaven. Pure love is the key that will unlock the pearly gates, and give us a right the tree of life that is in the midst of the Paradise of God.

Some of the precious results of the cleansing power of Jesus in my soul have been:–

1. A sacred nearness to God my Saviour. The distance between God and my soul has appeared annihilated, and the glory and presence of divinity have often appeared like a flood of sunlight, surrounding, penetrating, and pervading my whole being. Glory be to God that even the most unworthy may be “brought nigh by the blood of Christ.”

2. A sense of indescribable sweetness in Christ. The fact that he is “the rose of Sharon;” “the lily of th valley;” “the brightness of his [the Father’s] glory,” and “altogether lovely,” has at times so penetrated my soul as to thrill and fill it with ecstatic rapture. How lovely has the dear Saviour appeared to my soul and how strong the attraction my heart has felt toward him! How I love him!

“When on my new-fledged wings I rise, To tread those shores beyond the skies, What object first shall strike my eyes? And where shall I begin my joys? I’ll run through every golden street, And ask each blissful soul I meet, Where is the God, whose praise you sing?

Oh, lead a stranger to your King.”

Often his glory has shone upon my soul without a cloud. No language can describe the blessedness and sweetness of this state.

3. A deep, realizing sense of spiritual things. Bible truth has appeared transformed into solid realities. The doctrines of the gospel have become to me tangible facts and my soul has triumphed in them as eternal verities.

4. A surprising richness and fullness of meaning in the Scriptures, which I had not before realized. Many portions of the word, which I had hitherto but little understood, now appeared full of meaning, and exceedingly precious. The following passages have been applied many times to my soul with great power: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; even the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” — “If a man love me, he will keep my words and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.” — “But if we walk in the light, as is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from sin.” — “Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.”

5. A triumph over temptation more complete and habitual. When Satan comes he finds the sympathies and affinities of my soul strongly against him; hence he receives no favorable response. Before, I often found elements in my heart siding with the tempter, and felt at all was not right within. There appeared to be an aching void, or a place in my soul which grace had never reached; but since Jesus sent the refining fire through and through my poor heart, I have been sweetly assured that grace has permeated every faculty and fibre my being, and scattered light, love, and saving power through every part. Oh, the beauty, the loveliness, the sweetness of heart-purity!

6. A great increase in spiritual power. This I have realized in my closet devotions, in my pastoral duties, and especially in the ministrations of the blessed truth. Blessed be the Lord, I have learned by experience that men may receive the Holy Ghost in measure limited only by their capacity to receive, and feeble ability to endure. God could easily bless men beyond the power of the body endure and live, if he were disposed to take them to heaven in that way. This increase of power has delivered me from all slavish fear of man, or of future evil. It has given me such love to the Saviour and to his glorious gospel as to make all my duties sweet and delightful. Truly, “Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.”

7. A clear and distinct witness of purity through the blood of Jesus. The testimony of the Holy Spirit, and of my own spirit, to the entire sanctification of my soul has been more clear and convincing than any I ever had of my regeneration; although I had no doubt of that for years before the Lord extirpated inbred sin from my soul. “Meridian evidence puts doubt to flight.”

8. A disposition to tell the blessed story of Christ: and his “great salvation.” O for a thousand seraph tongues to publish the glad tidings to perishing men!

Dear reader, I wish I could tell you how clear and sweet the light of purity has shown through the very depths of my soul, the complete satisfaction I have realized since I obtained this pearl of great price! But it can never be told! Its fullness, its richness, and its sweetness can never be expressed. You can know it only by experience, and this is your solemn duty and most exalted privilege. Will you not seek it? Will you not begin now? A holy life is the happiest life, the easiest life, and the safest life you can live. Be persuaded to settle the matter at once, and begin now to seek for purity, and never yield the struggle until you obtain the glorious victory.

The struggle may be severe, but victory will be yours, if you only persevere. When you have once become fully decided that you will never cease consecrating, praying, and believing until you have obtained the blessing you will have surmounted your greatest difficulty, and it will not be long before the streams of pure love will flow through the depths of your soul.

But, in seeking for this priceless blessing, do not attempt to measure yourself by any thing peculiar in the experience of the writer, or of any other person. (See Section IX., question 107. ) The Bible is our only rule of faith and practice. There are various operations of the Spirit in effecting the same work in the human heart. In this narrative of my religious experience I have endeavored to give a simple statement of facts, regardless of what mistaken good men or wicked men may think or say. I would as soon deny God as to flee before the offense of the cross, or quail under the reproach of Christ. Like Peter and John, I “can not but speak the things which I have seen and heard.” I fully believe, to continue in the enjoyment of perfect love, I must confess the whole, and take the consequences. Call it delusion who may; a blessed reality it is to my soul. I know it; I feel it; I have proved it, and I must declare it; and, in the nature of things, I shall be jealous of my own testimony if it does not stir up the devil. During the earlier years of my religious experience, I feared lest I should profess too much, or more than I possessed; but since the Saviour cleansed and filled my soul with perfect love, I have had no fears in that regard. The intense sweetness, the superior excellence, and the divine glory of the perfect love of Jesus can never be exaggerated, nor, indeed, fully described. Thousands in the church of God, who have received this baptism of love and power, can testify that the most glowing description any mortal can give of it, falls infinitely short of the reality. When any soul can truthfully say with Mrs. President Edwards: “My soul is filled and overwhelmed with light, and love, and joy in the Holy Ghost,” there is no danger of exaggeration.

With the blessed doctrine and experience of purity, I am more and more impressed, charmed, and satisfied. Under its quickening power and light, I am amazed, humbled, and delighted. O, that I may enjoy it more fully, live it more perfectly, and preach and teach more clearly, and in every way, by tongue, and pen, and life, do more for its promotion! I expect to preach it as long as I preach any thing, and when I cease preaching it, expect to be in heaven. In looking over these twenty-one years, I see much to humble me in the dust.

I might have written much more in regard to my weakness, unworthiness, and imperfections, and would have done so, had I supposed it would honor Christ more than to write about the fullness of his grace, and the riches of his love. I have tried with all humility to look to God for guidance, and have felt his blessing resting upon me while writing.

My experience is not my own; and it is in the hope that my humble testimony to the fullness and freeness of the grace bestowed upon me, the most unworthy, may encourage and lead others to avail themselves of the fullness in Jesus, that I record my experience of the perfect love of Christ. I have given but a brief and imperfect sketch, a mere outline, of the mercies that the Lord has heaped upon his poor servant. To him be all the glory.

Dear Christian reader, seek holiness. At all hazards seek it. Expect no rest until your soul is made “free indeed in the blood of Jesus. When once you have tasted the blessedness of purity, you will never be able to be sufficiently thankful that you were induced to seek it. If you do not seek it, the period is not distant when you will never be able to forgive yourself for the neglect.

And now, “I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”

* * * * * * *


In conclusion, dear reader, “I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend, with all saints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.” And “the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

Thursday, October 21, 2021

J A Woods Holiness Experience Part 2

 During a number of years, this was about my state of mind upon this subject. And let me here record, that while hundreds of sinners were converted to God, I do not recollect that a single believer was entirely sanctified under my labors during the first nine years of my ministry, to September 7, 1855. Let me further add, during this time I was grieved, from year to year, by seeing what might astonish hell, and fill heaven with lamentation — company after company of young converts walking into partially backslidden, unsanctified churches, first to wonder, then for a while to be grieved, but finally to add another layer to the backslidden stratification.

In May, 1858, I was appointed to Court Street Church, Binghamton, and went there much prejudiced against the professors of holiness in that church; and they were, doubtless, prejudiced against me, as they had cause to believe I would oppose them. I soon found in my pastoral visitations, that where those persons lived who professed the blessing of holiness, there I felt the most of divine influence and power, and realized a liberty in prayer, and an access to God in those families, which I did not elsewhere.

Let me remark, while I was prejudiced against holiness as a distinct blessing, and against its special advocates, I did desire and believe in a deep, thorough, vital piety, and was ready to sympathize with it wherever I found it. I had attended prayer and class meetings but few times before I saw clearly that there were those in that society whose experience and piety possessed a richness, depth, and power which I had not; and that I was preaching to some who enjoyed more religion than their pastor.

The better I became acquainted with them, the more I was convinced of this, and the more deeply I became convicted of my remaining depravity and need of being cleansed in the blood of Christ. I also became convinced that those professors of holiness were Wesleyan in their faith, experience, and practice, while I had drifted away somewhat from the Bible and Wesleyan theory of Christian perfection.

Through the entire summer of 1858 I was seeking holiness, but kept the matter to myself. During this time none of the professors of holiness said any thing to me in the subject, but, as I have learned since, were praying for me night and day. God only knew the severe struggles I had that long summer, during many hours of which I lay on my face in my study, begging Jesus to cleanse my poor, unsanctified heart; and yet was unwilling to make a public avowal of my feelings, or to ask the prayers of God’s people for my sanctification.

The Binghamton district camp-meeting commenced that year the 1st day of September, and about eighty of the members of my charge attended it with me. During six days of the meeting, the sanctification of my soul was before my mind constantly, and yet I neither urged others to seek it, nor intimated to any one my convictions and struggles on the subject. Six days of such deep humiliation, severe distress, and hard struggles I never endured before.

A number of the members present from my charge had once enjoyed this grace, and had lost it. Some who professed to enjoy it were becoming silent upon the subject. With but very few exceptions, we, as a church, were practically staving off and ignoring the doctrine and duty of entire sanctification. The Lord was evidently displeased with us, and so shut us up that our prayer-meetings, in our large society tent, literally ran out. The brethren and sisters became afflicted with themselves, and afflicted with each other. Some of them were even tempted to strike their tents and go home.

On the last day of the meeting, a few minutes before preaching, a faithful member of the church came to me weeping, and said, “Brother Wood, there is no use in trying to dodge this question. You know your duty. If you will lead the way, and define your position as a seeker of entire sanctification, you will find that many of the members of your charge have a mind to do the same.” The Lord had so humbled my heart that I was willing to do any thing to obtain relief. After a few moments’ reflection I replied, “Immediately after preaching I will appoint a meeting in our tent on the subject of holiness, and will ask the prayers of the church for my own soul.”

Glory be to God! the Rubicon was passed. The moment of decision was the moment of triumph. In an instant I felt a giving away in my heart, so sensible and powerful, that it appeared physical rather than spiritual; a moment after I felt an indescribable sweetness permeating my entire being. It was a sweetness as real and as sensible to my soul as ever the sweetest honey to my taste. I immediately walked up into the stand. Just as he preacher gave out his text, — Eccl. xii. 13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter,” &c., — the baptism of fire and power came upon me.

For me to describe what I then realized is utterly impossible. It was such as I need not attempt to describe to those who have felt and tasted it, and such as I can not describe to the comprehension of those whose hearts have never realized it. I was conscious that Jesus had me in his arms, and that the Heaven of heavens was streaming through and through my soul in such beams of light and overwhelming love and glory, as can never be uttered. The half can never be told!

It was like marching through the gates of the city to the bosom of Jesus, and taking a full draught from the river of life.

Hallelujah! Glory! glory! I have cause to shout over the work of that precious hour.

It was a memorable era in the history of my probation, a glorious epoch in my religious experience never, NEVER to be forgotten. Jesus there and then — all glory to his blessed name! — sweetly, completely, and most powerfully sanctified my soul and body to himself. He melted, cleansed, filled, and thrilled my feeble, unworthy soul with holy, sin-consuming power.

Glory be to God! Perfect love is the richest, the sweetest, and the purest love this side of Paradise. Angels have nothing better. Well may the poet sing, —

“Oh, for this love let rocks and hills Their lasting silence break, And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour’s praises speak!”

I had always been much prejudiced against persons losing their strength; consequently, as might be expected, when the Holy Ghost came upon me in the stand, surrounded by some thirty preachers and three thousand people, it was God’s order to take control of both body and soul, and swallow me up in the great deep of his presence and power.

After about three hours I regained sufficient strength to walk to the tent, and we commenced a meeting for the promotion of holiness. I told my church my purpose to ask their prayers as a seeker of holiness, but that Jesus had forestalled my design by accepting my soul the moment I consented to stand up for holiness, and was willing to be anything or do anything to obtain it.

A willingness to humble myself, and take a decided stand for holiness, and face opposition to it in the church, and take the odium of being an advocate of holiness in Binghamton, where that doctrine had been trailing in the dust for years, constituted the turning-point with me. After I reached that point of complete submission, I had no consciousness of making any special effort in believing; my whole being seemed simply, and without effort, to be borne away to Jesus.

Our meeting continued all night; and such a night I never experienced. A large number of my leading members commenced seeking holiness; and about every half hour during that whole night the glorious power of God came down from the upper ocean in streams as sweet as heaven. At times it was unspeakable and almost unendurable. It was oppressively sweet — a weight of glory.

Every time the power of God came, one or more souls entered the land of Beulah, the Canaan of perfect love. Some shouted, some laughed, some wept, and a large number lay prostrate from three to five hours, beyond the power of shouting or weeping. Hallelujah to the great God! those present will never forget that night of refining and sanctifying power. What I received at the time Jesus sanctified my soul was only a drop in the bucket compared to what it has since pleased him to impart. From that hour the deep and solid communion of my soul with God, and the rich baptisms of love and power, have been “unspeakable, and full of glory.”

“Oh, matchless bliss of perfect love! It lifts me up to things above; It bears on eagles’ wings; It gives my ravished soul a feast, And makes me here a constant guest, With Jesus, priests, and kings.”

At times I have had an overwhelming sense of the Divine presence, and a sacred unction has pervaded my whole being. Especially this has been my experience while called to defend this glorious salvation. Oh, how god has stood by and helped me in vindicating the doctrine and experience of holiness! I have often felt if there were but one man in the world to stand up for holiness, in God’s name I would be that man. So long as can move my tongue or pen I must testify to this sweet constraining love of Christ.

There was a divine fragrance and sweetness imparted to my soul when the Saviour cleansed and filled it with pure love, that has ever remained with me, and I trust it ever will. I make a record of this to the glory of God. Glory, honor, and eternal praise be to his blessed name, forever and ever! His own arm hath brought salvation to my feeble, helpless soul. And I do love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, and strength. Yet I am nothing, and Jesus is my all. Sweet portion! Oh, the blessedness of this inward, spiritual kingdom! Oh, the depths of solid peace my soul has felt! It has often been

“A sacred awe which dares not move, And all the silent heaven of love.”

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

J A Woods Holiness Experience Part 1

 228. Will you relate your experience of regeneration, and of entire sanctification?

I will. The Saviour’s precious love constrains me to testify to his gracious dealings with my soul at every suitable opportunity.

Mr. Fletcher says: “When you are solemnly called upon to bear testimony to the truth, and to say what great things God has done for you, it would be cowardice or false prudence not to do it with humility.”

It pleased the Lord to call me in early life to seek pardon and converting grace. At ten years of age I first tasted the joys of a Saviour’s love. I remember as early as then to have realized a sweet satisfaction and delight in prayer and effort to obey God. At the age of thirteen I joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. Through the blessing and grace of God, I have found a home ever since in the church of my early choice.

During the first five or six years of my experience, I was often perplexed and distressed with doubts in regard to the reality of my conversion; arising from my inability to fix upon the precise time when the change was wrought. I would often see people powerfully converted, and hear them tell of the place and the time of their conversion. The tempter would then whisper in my ear, “You can not tell when you were converted, and you never had those deep convictions or those marked exercises in religious experience of which many speak.”

From this source I had much trouble, and at times, for several years, found it exceedingly difficult to hold fast my confidence. After many and severe trials on this point, the Lord enabled me to settle the matter and, a thousand thanks to his blessed name, many years have passed since I have doubted for a moment the verity of my early conversion. The Lord removed my doubts by showing me that to know the precise time of my conversion was of little importance; while the great question for me to settle was, “Have I the evidence that I am now converted?”

From this time until September 7, 1858, I maintained a steady purpose to obey God, received many spiritual refreshings from the presence of the Lord, and suffered but few doubts in regard to my justification and membership in the family of God.

During this period I was often convicted of remaining corruption of heart and of my need of purity. I desired to be a decided Christian and a useful member of the church; but was often conscious of deep-rooted inward evils and tendencies in my heart unfriendly to godliness. My bosom-foes troubled me more than all my foes from without. They struggled for the ascendency. They marred, my peace. They obscured my spiritual vision. They were the instruments of severe temptation. They interrupted my communion with God. They crippled my efforts to do good. They invariably sided with Satan. They occupied a place in my heart which I knew should be possessed by the Holy Spirit. They were the greatest obstacles to my growth in grace, and rendered my service to God but partial.

I was often more strongly convicted of my need of inward purity than I ever had been of my need of pardon. God showed me the importance and the necessity of holiness as clear as a sunbeam. I seldom studied the Bible without conviction of my fault in not coming up to the Scripture standard of salvation.

I never read Mr. Wesley’s “Plain Account,” nor the standards of Methodism on the subject of holiness, nor the memoirs of Fletcher, Bramwell, Carvosso, or Stoner, without deep conviction on the subject, and more or less effort for its attainment. I often commenced seeking holiness, but at no time made any marked progress; for as I read and prayed, some duty was presented which I was unwilling to perform, and so I relapsed into indifference.

I was often led to see my need of purity while studying for the ministry with Rev. William Hill, of Cambridgeport, Vt. Brother Hill was an able Presbyterian minister, and for a number of years pastor of a Presbyterian church in Newburg, N. Y. He was convicted of his need of entire sanctification, and obtained it at a meeting for the promotion of holiness at Mrs. Palmer’s in New York city. He lived it, professed it, and preached it, and for so doing was expelled from the Hudson River Presbytery, in April, 1844. Rev. Henry Belden was expelled at the same time for the same cause. They united with the Congregational church. Brother Hill died in holy triumph at Bristol, Conn., July 31, 1851, in the thirty-seventh year of his age.

The society and influence of that holy man were a great blessing to me. I bowed with him in prayer in his study more than a hundred times, and held sweet communion with God. Those seasons of devotion still linger in my memory as among the most precious hours of my early ministry.

Being so often convicted of my need of perfect love, and failing to obtain it, I, after a while, like many others, became somewhat skeptical in regard to the Wesleyan doctrine of entire sanctification, as a distinct work, subsequent to regeneration. (See Section IV. of this book.) I held no clear or definite ideas in regard to the blessing of perfect love, but thought of it, and taught it, as only a deeper work of grace, or a little more religion. I taught, as many now do, a gradual growth into holiness, and threw the whole matter into indefiniteness and vague generalities. I expected to grow into holiness somehow, somewhere, and at some time, but knew not how, nor where, nor when. I urged believers to seek a deeper work of grace, and to get more religion, but seldom said to them, “Be ye holy,” “This is the will of God, even your sanctification,” or, seek “perfect love.”

I became somewhat prejudiced against the Bible terms “sanctification,” “holiness,” and “perfection,” and disliked very much to hear persons use them in speaking of their experience; and opposed the profession of holiness as a blessing distinct from regeneration. I became prejudiced against the special advocates of holiness; and at camp-meetings and in other places discouraged and opposed direct efforts for its promotion. If a pious brother exhorted the preachers to seek sanctification, or the members to put away worldliness, tobacco and gaudy attire, and seek holiness, I was distressed in spirit, and disposed to find fault.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Love of God Part 10

THE LOVE OF GOD IS MANIFESTED THROUGH WHAT HE DID:-- "In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him" (1 John 4:9). God the Father set the example. He does not demand that his children manifest the love of God by what they do without having first demonstrated His love by His own action.

Take this "with a grain of salt," but it illustrates the point:-- I once heard of a preacher who had apparently had been used to making altar calls and who got a job as a life-saver at a swimming place. One day he saw a man out in the water frantically waving his hand, but instead of swimming out to save him, the preacher-turned-life-guard simply said, "...I see that hand".

He acknowledged that the man had a need -- BUT DID NOTHING ABOUT IT! Of course the story is probably quite fictional, but it does illustrate how that simply acknowledging that someone has a need does no good, unless it is backed up with the deeds necessary to help extract that person from their plight.

When God saw a lost world about to plunge under the raging waves of eternal damnation, He did more than say, "I see that hand"! -- "I see that need"! -- He gave the best and most that He could by sending His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him. His Son saved us, but was Himself drowned in the billows of the Lake of Fire, suffering all of its pangs in our stead.

As I see it, the fact that Jesus was cast into the Lake of Fire in behalf of a lost world is typified in the experience of Jonah, who said: "Thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me" (Jonah 2:3).

Was it not this unimaginably painful baptism into the Lake of Fire in our behalf that Jesus anticipated in the Garden of Gethsemane, and which made Him "sweat was as it were great drops of blood" (Luke 22:44). Yes, as a man He no doubt shuddered at the prospect of the physical agony awaiting him on Golgatha, but I suspect it was the prospect of enduring the immeasurable agonies of the Lake of Fire that cause Him to pray: "O my Father, if it be possible, let THIS CUP pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt" (Matt. 26:39 ).

Further, when the writer to the Hebrews says that "Jesus.. was made.. the suffering of death... that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man," (Heb. 2:9), I believe that this "tasting of death" probably meant that Jesus was destined of God to "taste the Second Death" of the Lake of Fire -- for every man!

In using the figure of Christ's baptism into the Lake of Fire being the fulfillment of Jonah's being cast into the sea to save those on-board his ship, as I see it, this is the baptism to which Christ referred when He said prior to His suffering: "I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!" (Luke 12:50).  He saw that only after He was baptized into that awful suffering could the fullness of his salvation be accomplished in all men throughout the entire world.

When Jesus said to the sons of Zebedee, "Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?" (Mat 20:22), was He partly alluding to the fact that when it came to the suffering beyond physical death -- when it came to suffering the Second Death for a lost world -- only HE could do this. Only the Son of God could suffer the whole of Man's Eternal punishment -- endure all of its awful billows -- drink all of its immeasurable dregs -- and return therefrom. Only He could do this, because He was God Incarnate. I assert that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID when "He by the grace of God tasted death for every man -- and it was by this deed greater than any mere man could do that the love of God was manifested in the Person of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ!

Monday, October 18, 2021

The Love of God Part 9

THE LOVE OF GOD IS NOT RESIDING IN STINGY HEARTS:-- "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" (1 John 3:17). One of the indictments against the Laodicean Church is its proud boast: "I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing..." (Revelation 3:17). The reason why many professed Christians in the Laodicean Church today HAVE SO MUCH IS BECAUSE THEY GIVE SO LITTLE! -- and by this I mean they give so little in proportion to what they have. Jesus taught that the widows mite, being a tiny fraction of the gifts of others, was actually greater -- in proportion -- than all other gifts -- because she "cast in all that she had, even all her living" (Matt. 12:44). When one gives to God and to the needy, remember: God measures the size of the gift, not by how much you gave, but by how much you had left retained for yourself after you gave your gift.

In effect, St. John proclaimed that stingy souls have not the love of God dwelling in them, and St. James declared that such have a dead faith: "If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; Notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone" (James 2:15-17). Thus we see that stingy souls are at once void of both the love of God and the life of God within them. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Third Lesson of the Quarter: The Body of Christ

 Today's lesson is found in Ephesians 4: 1-8, 11-16. The first three chapters of Ephesians are doctrinal in nature. The last three chapters stress the practical side of Christianity. In the first three chapters, Paul has emphasized God's grace and the riches of His glory through Jesus Christ. The first sixteen verses of chapter four focus on the unity of the body of Christ.Though we may differ in background, education and resources, we can still be united in the Lord. Paul will write about the keys, basis, development and perfection of our unity.

The first section is: Keys to Unity. (vv. 1-3) In verse 1, Paul identifies as the "prisoner of the Lord." While he was still in a Roman confinement, Paul acknowledged the sovereignty of God. He was a prisoner of the Lord, not Rome. He asked that the readers walk worthy of their vocation, which could also be translated as "calling." Every Christian has a calling from God. Our walk is to be a holy walk and a walk that evidences holiness.

The Christian's walk should be characterized as:

1. Lowliness or humulity (v. 2), which is the opposite of pride.

2. Meekness (v. 2), gentleness of spirit and the opposite of rebellious.

3. Forbearing (v. 2), willing to put up with the shortcomings of others.

4. Longsuffering (v. 2), being gracious to others.

God's Spirit produces a mutual love in all the members of the body of Christ. Walking in that love is a key to unity.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God is Sovereign over our lives.

2. We should live lives of lowliness, meekness, forbearing and long-suffering toward others.

3. We must try to maintain unity in the body of Christ.

The second sections is: The Basis of Unity. (vv. 4-6)  The key to this section is the word "one." The following are the "ones" we find:

1. One body that is the church;

2. One Spirit, that is the unifying principle in the church;

3. One hope, which is heaven and eternal glory;

4. One Lord, that is Jesus Christ;

5. One faith, based on the unchanging word of God;

6. One baptism, most likely refers to water baptism, and

7. One God and Father of all, this points to the triunity of God.

God is above all in His Sovereignty and through all in His Providential care and operation, and in each one of His children. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. Unity is more than outward uniformity, it is unity of the heart.

2. The unity of the Trinity is an example of the unity which should exist in the persons of the Church.

3. It is great comfort to know He is in us.

The third section is The Development of Unity. (vv. 7-12) Verse 7 states that every one of us has received the gift of grace. It is important to know who the "us" is in the verse. Go back to chapter 1 verse 1 and see who are the recipients of this letter: the saints at Ephesus who are faithful. If you have received God's grace today, be very thankful for His gift to you. Verse 8 states that "he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men." This is a reference to the Roman practice after a victory in battle. The Romans had a custom of leading their defeated enemies in chains through the city streets. Our risen Lord has defeated sin, death, and Satan. Roman generals would often share the spoils of war with their soldiers and give gifts to the crowds who lined the streets to watch their return. Christ has given to his church (verse 11), some “apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers...." The purpose of these gifts (verse 12) is "the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ...." The Greek word for "perfecting" means to put in order, to make complete, correcting all that is deficient. Believers are to be brought to a place maturity so they can do the work of the church. Every believer has some type of ministry. All the saints should be working at some level for the Lord. What is your calling? What is your ministry? If you seek Him, He will show you. This is true development of unity, all working together for the Lord.

The summary points of this section are:

1. If not for the grace of God, we would all be lost.

2. Christ is the mighty conqueror. 

3. Christ gives gifts to the church for the perfection of the saints.

The fourth section is: The Perfection of Unity. (vv. 13-16) Verse 13 provides a purpose of unity, to become a perfect man. This does not mean absolute perfection, but rather a perfection of love for each other believer in the faith. Unity of faith does not mean agreement on all religious questions, but there are "some hills we will die on." When it comes to the Lord Jesus Christ, there can be no compromise. If He is Lord of your life, you are saved and redeemed. If He isn't, you are not born again. Verse 14 advises us that there are those that wait to deceive us in our faith. We are to know and study true doctrine. We are not to be tossed about by every new teaching. We guard ourselves by remaining true to the Word of God. Verse 15 teaches a key to the perfection of unity, speak the truth in love. Verse 16 gives us the goal that the body is to work together in love. Just the like the natural body does not have its organs working against each other, neither should the parts of the spiritual body of Christ work against each other. As we perfect our unity, we will walk in greater love for each other.

The summary points of this section are:

1. We must speak the truth in love.

2. There are those that lie in wait to deceive us.

3. As we perfect unity, we will walk in greater love for each other.

The Golden Text is: "Till we all come in the unity of the faith...unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." (Eph. 4:13) The aim of the church is to produce men and women who have the reflection of Jesus Christ Himself. To be a saint is to be someone whom Christ lives again on this earth. This is what the church must become.

Next week: The Christian Home. (Ephesians 5: 22-33; 6: 1-4)

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Some Interesting Thoughts


Gathered by Duane V. Maxey

We should never think we have become 
absolutely Perfect, with no possibility of Improvement: -- a Characteristic that belongs only to God.

This applies to 
LEARNING: -- The apostle Paul said, "If any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Cor. 8:2). -- He who thinks he "Knows It All" needs to put himself back in Kindergarten!

This applies to 
DOING: -- A the sculptor, when asked which of his works he valued the most, replied, “My next.” Wisely, this sculptor realized that he was not now, nor ever would be Absolutely Perfect!

This applies to 
BEING A CHRISTIAN: -- Luther said, “He who is a Christian is no Christian.”  Likewise, he who thinks he has become the perfect example of a Christian, lacks the humility of True Christians

This applies to 
BEING THE BEST: -- Oliver Cromwell inscribed in his Bible, “He who 
ceases to be better ceases to be good.” One who rates himself as the BEST, and stops trying to improve, ceases to be even GOOD!

It is said of another artist, after finishing a painting burst into tears. He explained his sorrow to another, by stating that with last painting he had fully reached his ideal and could never do better. -- Poor Man!

As a matter of fact, IT IS SAD when a person thinks that have become "Tee-Totally Perfect"!  But usually it is not the person who thinks himself thus that suffers! More often it is others who smell the stench of his rotten pride!

Reminds me of the smart-aleck who asked another, "Did you know that Sugar and Sumac were the only two words in the English language beginning with (s) that are pronounced with the (sh) sound?"

The one being quizzed, replied, "Sure"!

The Quizzer was too "Dull" to realize he wasn't "Sharp"!

Friday, October 15, 2021

The Love of God Part 8

THE LOVE OF GOD IS PERCEPTIBLE IN DEED AND IN TRUTH:-- "Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren" (1 John 3:16). The love of God was perceived in Christ more by what He did than by what He said. His entire earthly life was a perfect manifestation of the love of God. Thus it is that the Scriptures exhort Christians to prove that they have the love of God in their hearts by their deeds as well as in their words. Again, the apostle John wrote: "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth" (1 John 3:18).

Thursday, October 14, 2021

The Love of God Part 7

THE LOVE OF GOD IS PERFECTED IN THIS LIFE:-- "But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him" (1 John 2:5). The love of God is first shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost when one is genuinely born of the Spirit. But this initial instilling of the love of God into the heart of one newly born again is not perfect, not without alloy. It is when the Christian seeker receives the second work of grace, the mighty baptism of the Holy Ghost, that the Christian's love is made perfect: "Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world" (1 John 4:17).  This purifying baptism not only purges the heart from all sin and fills it with perfect love, but it also removes all fear of the great coming Judgment. St. John wrote: "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love" (1 John 4:18). But the perseverance aspect of retaining the love of God is brought out in 1 John 2:5, quoted above, and the clear inference is that it is only those who obediently keep God's word who continue to possess the experience of perfect love.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Love of God Part 6

THE LOVE OF GOD IS ALSO INSEPARABLE FROM CONTINUED PERSEVERANCE:-- "And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ" (2 Thessalonians 3:5). My thought here is better seen in the NIV translation of this verse: "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance."

Second Thessalonians 1:9 should make it clear to all that many "who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power," shall by their own choice separate themselves forever from the love of God.

Second Thessalonians 3:5 speaks of "The Love of God" in conjunction with "Christ's Perseverance". The fact is, and none should doubt it:-- while no created thing can by and of itself separate the Christian from love of God, willful sin can and does make that separation, and the Christian's perseverance in obedience to Christ is absolutely necessary to retain eternally the love of God.

If the love of God extended into Hell, IT WOULD NOT BE HELL! If the love of God reached into the Lake of Fire, its pangs and pains would be nonexistent and its waves would be as sweet and soothing as the rivulets in the River of Life. It is equally absurd to say that the love of God is so great and so enduring that He will never banish any from His presence. Such a concept is as false as to assert that the Holy God loves filth and will provide a moral pigsty on the outskirts of the New Jerusalem in which those can forever wallow who hate His Holiness!

The Conclusion: Eternal Security notions are fearfully false! Continuance in the love of God is dependent upon perseverance in obedience to Him.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Love of God Part 5

THE LOVE OF GOD IS ALSO INSEPARABLE FROM HIS GRACE AND HIS COMMUNION:-- "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen" (2 Corinthians 13:14). In this verse we can see The Divine Trinity: Jesus Christ the Son, God the Father, and the Holy Ghost.  All three are but One God -- eternal and inseparable. But there are 3 other trinities in this verse, namely: The Grace of Christ, The Love of God, and The Communion of the Holy Ghost. Thus, this verse not only "speaks volumes" about the Triune Persons constituting the One God, but it also reveals that "The Love of God" is inseparable from "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" and from "The Communion of the Holy Ghost.

With no desire to reflect on the sovereign Dignity of the Trinity, I offer the following: It has been written and sung that "Love and Marriage go together like a horse and carriage... ya can't have one, my brother, ya can't have one without the other."

The Divine Trinity is eternally inseparable. Likewise "The Love of God" is eternally inseparable from "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" and from "The Communion of the Holy Ghost" -- you can't have one without the other. Away with this current notion that Islam and other false religions are "good religions". There is no true love of God without Christ, without His grace, and without the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost. Selah.

Monday, October 11, 2021

The Love of God Part 4

THE LOVE OF GOD IS INSEPARABLE AND IMMEASURABLE:-- As a victorious Christian, St. Paul wrote: "As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:36-39). The reason why no one or no thing can separate God's love from those who presently love and serve Him is because "GOD IS LOVE" (1 John 4:8, 16). In order to be powerful enough to separate the love of God from a genuine Christian, that force would have to be powerful enough to separate God Himself from that soul! Obviously, no such force exists.

However, the Bible does not teach that it is impossible for one to separate himself or herself from the love of God. In order to honor the free will that He Himself created in mankind, God does allow a person to choose not to love Him and to finally divorce himself, or herself, form the love of God in eternity. None who inhabit the regions of the damned will be the objects of the love of God.

Still, many humans have been too ready in their minds to preclude from the love of God those whom they deem to be reprobates, and -- the magnitude of God's love is too often dwarfed by false limitations placed upon it by mistaken, human perceptions. In the song, "There's A Wideness," F. W. Faber wrote:

There's a wideness in God's mercy

Like the wideness of the sea;

There's a kindness in His justice

Which is more than liberty.

There's a welcome for the sinner,

And more graces for the good.

There is mercy with the Saviour;

There is healing in His blood.

For the love of God is broader

Than the measure of man's mind;

And the heart of the Eternal

Is most wonderfully kind...

The love of God "is more wonderfully kind" than some Christians may think, and no doubt many sinners who have been "long since written off" by men as hopelessly lost have continued to be the objects of Christ's immeasurable love -- some of whom have been marvelously and gloriously saved at late ages and late stages of life. After repeatedly reading in Jeremiah 31:3, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love," Frederick M. Lehman was also moved by the magnitude of the love of God, and wrote:

The love of God is greater far 

Than tongue or pen can ever tell, 

It goes beyond the highest star 

And reaches to the lowest hell. 

O love of God, how rich and pure! 

How measureless and strong! 

It shall for evermore endure 

The saints and angels song! 

The story about the third verse of this song is even more remarkable -- and seems to expand even further the concept of just how immeasurable the love of God is. It was not written by Frederick M. Lehman, but was written some time later by Ben Isaac Nahorai. For years, Nahorai had suffered from mental depression and was at last committed to an asylum. Nevertheless, it seems that the radiance and magnitude of the love of God penetrated the dark clouds of his mind, for after his death these words were found written on Nahorai's asylum wall:

Could we with ink the ocean fill 

And were the skies of parchment made, 

Were ever stalk on earth a quill 

And every man a scribe by trade, 

To write the love of God above 

Would drain the ocean dry, 

Nor could the scroll contain the whole, 

Tho' stretched from sky to sky. 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Second Lesson of the Quarter: Saved by Grace

 Today's lesson comes from Ephesians 2: 1-13, 19, 20. In chapter 1, Paul gives praise to the Trinity and expresses his gratitude for the Ephesian believers. He prays for them and asks God to give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation. Paul wants them to know the hope of Christ's calling , His glory and His power. Chapter 2 will teach about God's power to transform those who are dead in sin to a new life in Christ.

The first section is: The Gentiles' Past Condition (vv. 1-3). Verse 1 states that those who were now spiritually alive were formerly "dead in trespasses and sins...." Dead people don't move, they can't. Dead people can't respond to good news because they are dead. Verse 2 informs us that before the grace of God operating in their lives, they walked in the world's ways under the authority of the prince of the power of the air, i.e. Satan. Everyone who is not born again has Satan as their father. Pause and let that sink in. In verse 3, Paul identifies with the Ephesians as he also had a life living in the flesh, fulfilling the desires of flesh and mind, and were by nature a child of wrath. Paul describes the Gentiles' condition is clear terms: they were dead in sin and fulfilling the the desires of the flesh and all its lusts. 

The summary points of this section are:

1. Dead men can't respond to the gospel, they will need help.

2. Satan has children (all those not born again).

3. No matter ones past, you can be made alive in Jesus Christ.

The second section is: The Gentiles' Present Salvation (vv. 4-6). I love the expression, "But God." Our God is rich in mercy and He loved us. He loved us even "when we were dead in sins...." It is God who "hath quickened" us. To quicken means to be made alive. It is by the grace of God being sent forth into our hearts that we are saved from our dead condition. Grace makes us alive. When we are made alive we are raised up and we sit with Jesus Christ in heavenly places. This does not mean we physically are in heavenly places, but instead we enjoy a heavenly communion of rest and joy. In verses 5 and 6, the word "together" is used. We are quickened together in Christ, we are raised together , and we made to sit in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Our salvation in Christ Jesus is a present salvation, one we experience now, in this life.

The summary points of this section are:

1. God makes us alive, it is not our doing.

2. God makes us alive because of His mercy and grace.

3. We can experience heavenly rest and joy now, in this life.

The third section is: The Gentiles--God's Workmanship (vv. 7-10). God's purpose in redeeming the Gentiles was a clear testimony to His power to deliver from all sin. Verse 7 tells us that God's grace would be seen in the ages to come in showing kindness to the Gentiles through Christ. Verse 8 is a verse that should be memorized: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Notice the following do not save you:

1. Baptism;

2. Good works;

3. What you eat;

4. Church attendance;

5. A priest or minister;

6. Giving money;

7. Believing in God.

While some of the items referenced above are good and should be done, they are not salvation. You are saved by grace through faith. You can't earn salvation. Grace is free and unmerited. We are God's workmanship (verse 10), created by Him through His Sovereign act of grace. We respond to that grace and begin our walk "unto good works." Those who have been made alive by God the Father become His workmanship. What God has started, He will finish.

The summary points of this section are:

1. After one is saved, there is still much work to be done (you are not perfect, yet).  

2. Salvation is a gift from God.

3. Once saved, you will live a life of good works.

The fourth section is: The Gentiles--No More Strangers (vv. 11-20). Verse 11 calls the Gentiles to remember that in the past they were called Uncircumcision by the Jews. The Jews saw the world as being made up of two groups: those part of the covenant with Abraham and those who were not. Verse 12 states that the Gentiles when without Christ, were aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenant of promise. Verse 13 announces the good news that the Gentiles in Christ Jesus have been brought near through the blood of Christ. Gentiles were no longer strangers to the commonwealth of Israel and the promises.   In Christ Jesus  everything has changed. To be "far off" meant being separated from God. "Made nigh" meant the Gentiles could approach God as their Father. Paul uses the figure of a physical building in verse 20 to represent the living Church of Jesus. Jesus is the "chief cornerstone" and provides the solid rock upon which the church is built. And, that includes the Gentiles!

The summary points of this section are:

1. Jesus Christ is the foundation of the church.

2. Gentiles are no longer strangers to the promises of God.

3. Sometimes it is good to remember where we were before God saved us.

The Golden Text is: "And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins." (Eph. 2:1) It is essential to know that before God sends grace to a person they are dead in sin. Dead people can't help themselves. It is dangerous to think that you had anything to do with your salvation. When someone gives you a gift, you don't take credit for the giving of that gift. It is a gift! You didn't earn it. It is the same with your salvation. If you are saved today, it was God's gift to you. You merely received it. 

Next week: The Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4: 1-8, 11-16)

Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Love of God Part 3

THE LOVE OF GOD IS IMPLANTED IN THE HEART ONLY BY THE HOLY GHOST:-- "And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Romans 5:5). Note who it is that wrote this verse -- the beloved apostle Paul, formerly the bloody persecutor Saul. None of his theological studies of God's Word at the feet of Gamaliel had instilled one ounce of the true love of God into his heart! One can become the most erudite Bible scholar on earth, obtain the highest degree in theology possible, develop into the most polished pulpit orator over long decades of preaching, sway people's emotions with hurricane-like force, and become a renown evangelist known around the globe -- all to no avail, unless "the love of God has been shed abroad in his heart BY THE HOLY GHOST."

From personal experience, Saul of Tarsus transformed into Paul the Apostle, learned this, and thus it was that he could also write so profoundly and convincingly these words: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing" (1 Cor. 13:1-3).

Concerning all that he possessed and learned before "the love of God was shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost," Paul said: "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith." (Philip. 3:7-9) Previously, he had a ton-load of theological learning shed abroad in his mind by Gamaliel and by his studies; now he had "the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost," and it was the latter that he determined to keep at all costs.

Friday, October 8, 2021

The Love of God Part 2

THE LOVE OF GOD IS NOT IN MANY RELIGIOUS PEOPLE:-- "But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you" (John 5:42). This perceptive remark by Jesus was made in His reply to some of the "Jews [who] sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God" (John 5:18). It is interesting that Jesus said to these legalistic Jews, "I KNOW YOU." Eight times in the Book of Revelation Jesus said in his messages to the 7 Churches, "I KNOW".  To the legalistic Jews in John 5:42 above, He said, "I know... that ye have not the love of God in you" -- and to the Ephesian Church He said: "I know... thou hast left thy first love" (Rev. 2:2, 4). Once, after my mother's dramatic, spiritual reclamation she said something to me regarding some legalistic holiness folks that I have never forgotten: "Carnality is a bad heart, and a lot of very religious people have it." The Jews who sought to kill Jesus for his alleged breaking of the Sabbath, were very religious, but they had bad hearts, void of the love of God. And, no doubt there have been some holiness professors of the sort who would never dream of shaving on Sunday, but whose hearts were, nonetheless, void of the love of God.

When the rich young Jewish ruler came to Jesus seeking to learn "what good thing he could do" to enter heaven, perhaps the Lord could just as truthfully told him: "I KNOW YOU; you have been quite precise in keeping the letter of the Law, but you have not the love of God in you, for in spite of all of your careful observations, you really love money and possessions!"

The Lord knows -- all things, and all men. After the resurrected Christ queried the reclaimed Peter the third time, asking, "Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep" (John 21:17). (Note: Christ did not say, "Shear My sheep, nor Slaughter My sheep!) Perhaps one of the main reasons Christ repeatedly asked Peter if he loved Him was to fix in Peter's mind the fact that, rather than wield a bloody sword in His defense, Jesus wanted Peter to have and manifest to all -- the love of God -- and thus "feed His sheep" and "find those who were astray." It was later, at Pentecost, that Peter received the fullness of the love of God that would make him the loving pastor of the flock that Christ wanted him to be. Sans that baptism of Divine love, Peter might have wielded a spiritual sword as bloody as the one that severed Malchus' ear.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Love of God Part 1

THE LOVE OF GOD IS MORE WEIGHTY THAN A LEGALISTIC OBSERVANCE OF THE LAW:-- "But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone" (Luke 11:42). This is the month of December, 2001, and since September 11th of this year we have heard and read much about the Taliban Muslims, an extremely zealous Islamic group that has endeavored by force of arms to coerce everyone under their control in Afghanistan to adhere to "the letter of Islamic Laws." Though these codes are taken from the Koran, a book not inspired nor authorized by the True God, the legalistic spirit in which the Taliban regimented the conduct of their society is closely akin to that of the Pharisees whom Jesus condemned in Luke 11:42. Within any religion, including Christianity, the most striking characteristic of legalists is their overlooking of "the love of God"!

To have and to manifest the love of God is more important than insisting that everyone cross every (T) and dot every (i) in fulfilling the letter of the law! Jesus said as much when He also proclaimed: "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone" (Matt. 23:23).

A Christian minister, who "lays down the Law" every Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, and once again at the Wednesday Prayer Meeting, will (or should) soon learn that "the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life" (2 Cor. 3:6). I once read of one who was so legalistically narrow that "if a fly landed on the bridge of his nose it would scratch both of his eyes out"! It is a tragic mistake for any Christian group, or any Christian minister, to focus so entirely upon making folks "line up or leave" that they completely lose the more weighty possession and manifestation of the love of God.

I read of a prisoner who was to be shot, but who received a pardon from the Governor just in time to spare his life. The letter of pardon was given to the firing-squad signal-man. He was told to walk down to the man who was already secured to the post for execution, and there to present him the pardon. The signal-man made a huge blunder! He had in his pocket both the letter of pardon and the handkerchief he was to wave as the signal for the firing-squad to fire their rifles. When the signal-man reached the man to whom he was to present the pardon, he accidentally extracted from his pocket the handkerchief instead of the letter of pardon! -- and when the death-squad saw it, they fired! -- and the pardoned man slumped in death! The one sent to be the Messenger of Pardon became instead the Messenger of Death!

Thus it is, when a Christian minister become a legalist, spewing forth the venom of death in his messages instead of Christ's true message of Pardon and Life. Hundreds, if not thousands, of over-zealous preachers need to read again, and lay to heart the truth in 2 Corinthians 3:6 that Christ has made His true ministers to be "able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the Spirit: for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life."

Pity the flock who are made to feel that they must "get their preacher's permission" before doing the most minor things -- things about which neither God's Word nor their Church Manual says one thing, and things which the love of God demands to be left to the individual guidance of the Holy Spirit! Woe to the preacher, or group, who ignores the million-ton-heavy possession and manifestation of the love of God and who tips the scales in favor of the opposite side with the "feathers of legalistic notions"!

I once had a man in my congregation who would not shave on Sunday, but if he thought that was more important than having and showing the right spirit to those who did shave on the Lord's Day, HIS SPIRITUAL SCALES WERE GREATLY OUT OF BALANCE! -- and he would have been omitting the weightier matter of the Law -- the love of God -- and like thousands of religious zealots, it would have been well for him to read again, and lay to heart Roman 13:10 -- "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."

One cannot have the love of God without fulfilling the law, but one can cross every (T) and dot every (i) in seeking to legalistically fulfill the Law without even coming close to doing so!