Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Love of God Part 5

THE LOVE OF GOD IS ALSO INSEPARABLE FROM HIS GRACE AND HIS COMMUNION:-- "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen" (2 Corinthians 13:14). In this verse we can see The Divine Trinity: Jesus Christ the Son, God the Father, and the Holy Ghost.  All three are but One God -- eternal and inseparable. But there are 3 other trinities in this verse, namely: The Grace of Christ, The Love of God, and The Communion of the Holy Ghost. Thus, this verse not only "speaks volumes" about the Triune Persons constituting the One God, but it also reveals that "The Love of God" is inseparable from "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" and from "The Communion of the Holy Ghost.

With no desire to reflect on the sovereign Dignity of the Trinity, I offer the following: It has been written and sung that "Love and Marriage go together like a horse and carriage... ya can't have one, my brother, ya can't have one without the other."

The Divine Trinity is eternally inseparable. Likewise "The Love of God" is eternally inseparable from "The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ" and from "The Communion of the Holy Ghost" -- you can't have one without the other. Away with this current notion that Islam and other false religions are "good religions". There is no true love of God without Christ, without His grace, and without the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost. Selah.

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