Saturday, October 16, 2021

Some Interesting Thoughts


Gathered by Duane V. Maxey

We should never think we have become 
absolutely Perfect, with no possibility of Improvement: -- a Characteristic that belongs only to God.

This applies to 
LEARNING: -- The apostle Paul said, "If any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know" (1 Cor. 8:2). -- He who thinks he "Knows It All" needs to put himself back in Kindergarten!

This applies to 
DOING: -- A the sculptor, when asked which of his works he valued the most, replied, “My next.” Wisely, this sculptor realized that he was not now, nor ever would be Absolutely Perfect!

This applies to 
BEING A CHRISTIAN: -- Luther said, “He who is a Christian is no Christian.”  Likewise, he who thinks he has become the perfect example of a Christian, lacks the humility of True Christians

This applies to 
BEING THE BEST: -- Oliver Cromwell inscribed in his Bible, “He who 
ceases to be better ceases to be good.” One who rates himself as the BEST, and stops trying to improve, ceases to be even GOOD!

It is said of another artist, after finishing a painting burst into tears. He explained his sorrow to another, by stating that with last painting he had fully reached his ideal and could never do better. -- Poor Man!

As a matter of fact, IT IS SAD when a person thinks that have become "Tee-Totally Perfect"!  But usually it is not the person who thinks himself thus that suffers! More often it is others who smell the stench of his rotten pride!

Reminds me of the smart-aleck who asked another, "Did you know that Sugar and Sumac were the only two words in the English language beginning with (s) that are pronounced with the (sh) sound?"

The one being quizzed, replied, "Sure"!

The Quizzer was too "Dull" to realize he wasn't "Sharp"!

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