Saturday, December 14, 2019

A Warning tp those that Pervert the Gospel

BLJ: This section contains what at first appear to be harsh words about those who disagree with the death-route approach to becoming sanctified wholly. Rev. Boardman was attempting to sound an alarm because he saw the holiness churches becoming lukewarm and worldly. A compromising church is not a true holiness church. Instead of being seen as harsh, I suggest he was like a person warning someone that their house was on fire. He wasn't gentle, but he was truthful. 


St. Paul and the Corinthians had trouble with Satan's ministers upsetting the people with a perverted gospel. Paul told the people of the church not to be surprised when Satan's ministers do as Satan did -- transforming themselves into apostles of Christ, and thereby deceiving the people.

Paul had no less trouble with the Christians in Galatia. He seemed surprised that they were so soon removed from the true gospel to a perverted gospel (Gal. 1:6, 7). In verse eight it is clear that someone was preaching a perverted gospel, switching the people off the right track. Paul told them in verse ten that he could not preach to please men and remain a servant of Christ. In other words, should he do so wickedly as to preach to please carnal and sinful people, he could not be the servant of Christ and would, thereby, become a servant of Satan -- one of Satan's preachers.

This means that every preacher in the world who knowingly and purposely shies away from Scriptural "death-route" holiness is preaching a perverted gospel, to please carnal people, and he is one of Satan's ministers.

BLJ: The above seems harsh and judgmental, but is it truthful? I suggest it is. Bro. Boardman was trying to stop the slide into worldliness.

This being true, Satan has always had far more ministers, preaching his perverted interpretation of the gospel, than Christ has preaching the truth. And without any question, there will be many more preachers in hell, than in heaven (Matt. 7:13-14).


Death dodgers are found in every realm. Someone referring to physical death, humorously remarked, "If I knew where I was to die, I never would go near the place!" One may smile at that, but seriously, that is exactly what the majority of professed Christian laymen, preachers, officials, executives, high and low, have done with respect to the death of their own carnal self. They shied away from their own execution. They are like the unsanctified Peter before Pentecost. He would sail into ecstasy on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matt. 17:4), but the very thought of crucifixion turned him off (Matt. 16:21-23).

BLJ: People seeking to be sanctified wholly, need to want to die to the world, sin, and self. 


It was nearly forty years ago that we visited a church to try out for the pastorate. After I had preached both in the morning and evening services, the church met, and someone blocked my coming. A few days later the district superintendent prevailed upon them and they changed their minds, and gave me a unanimous call. Nearly three years went by when one evening the controlling member stood to testify, and reminded us of that evening when my coming to be their pastor was temporarily blocked. He said, "God told me I must confess that I was the one that blocked it." He then continued: "God also told me that I must divulge the reason I did it." Thus he acknowledged: "When you preached that Sunday morning, your message was so clear and strong on holiness that I was afraid I wouldn't be able to sit under your preaching."

BLJ: I have seen church boards that were so carnal that they tied the hands of the poor preacher and would not allow a true holiness revival. God have mercy on their lost and dying souls.

He later got under conviction over the way he had mistreated his former pastor. He told me he would have to go back and apologize to that pastor for trying to organize opposition and railroad him out. A few days later I asked him how he came out. He replied, "Not too good. We got into an argument as to which was the most to blame!"

The young man mentioned above was a typical "death-route dodger." He did finally do a little, weak seeking, but he never got down to business an he never did get through. Poor soul! His heart failed him in his mid-forties and he went out to meet God just as he was -- a holiness rejecter, unwilling to face the death-to-self issue, and pay the price for true heart holiness.

We wonder how often certain evangelists are rejected by pastors and people for the same reason. Is it not highly possible that more are rejected because of someone's fear of being "dug out" and "snowed under" than for any other single reason? If they had the "Perfect Love" experience of the sanctified heart they wouldn't be afraid, because "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love" (I John 4:18). My friend, does that ring a bell?

Are not many deceived holiness professors more inclined to pray for sinners to get saved than for themselves to straighten up the wrongs they have done? Did not Peter say that judgment must begin at the house of God? (I Peter 4:17).

Multitudes of seasoned holiness professors will go to the judgment, and from there to hell before they will go to the ones they have wronged and make things right. Do they forget that God's Word says, "Some men's sins are open beforehand, going to judgment; and some men they follow after?" (I Tim. 5:24). What is the matter with people who would prefer to wait until they get to the judgment where there is no forgiveness -- only punishment, with banishment -- instead of sending their sins on ahead, and having them forgiven, and placed under the precious Blood of Christ? Could it be that the Biblical teaching, that we, by the grace of God can live above sin, makes some unwilling to confess that on certain occasions they failed and fell beneath the Scriptural standard? Do they simply hope that God will overlook it and forget it when they have sinned? No! He records it (Rev. 20:12). God will, however, blot out an unintentional wrong from our record because of Christ, our Advocate (I John 2:1). But even a mistake becomes a sin if we repeat it, knowingly. And God will remove such sins from our record only as we repent (Col. 2:13-14) and henceforth, refrain from repeating them (John 5:14).

BLJ: Don't be a death-route dodger. Eternity is forever and you will go to hell if you reject holiness.

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