Saturday, December 21, 2019

Life Time Loyalty

BLJ: What is takes to get saved and sanctified is what it will take to stay saved and sanctified. A Christian may not return to his or her past life and remain saved. This is why the teaching of once saved always saved is such a dangerous heresy. People need to be warned of this truth. You can lose your salvation. However, you need not do so! With the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and faith, you are secure unless you make the conscious choice to return to sin.


This warning, however: dying-out to the terminal does not guarantee that one will STAY DEAD. The "Old Man" will come alive again if one goes back into sin or rides roughshod over the checks of the Spirit. One cannot remain either saved or sanctified if he builds again the things he once destroyed. (Gal. 2:18).

BLJ: You stay dead when you keep Jesus first. 

In the introduction to A MEMOIR OF MR. WILLIAM CARVOSSO, that great Methodist class leader of the latter 18th and early 19th centuries, he is quoted as saying that one "...may again cast away his confidence, and feel a return of the carnal mind; for he stands only one moment at time and that moment by faith, whose life depends on our constancy in watching unto prayer" (p. 15). 

"Wherefore," says Paul, "let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall" (I Cor. 10:12).
The Holy Ghost never leaves anyone until first that person leaves Him. When one feels capable -- he can handle it -- is adequate -- he knows how -- he is very resourceful then, -- God is no longer needed or consulted. When Christians get in that condition, they create a space between themselves and the Holy Spirit, and that breach will continue to widen until the Holy Spirit is utterly foreign to them and they are not following Him at all. He then has no choice but to withdraw. In 2 Chronicles 15:2 we read: "The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you." Many poor lost souls drifted downward so gradually, that they, like Samson, did not realize that the Spirit of God had departed (Judges 16:20).

BLJ: Jesus will not force you to remain true to Him. He has given you free will so use it for His good and purposes.


My heart was not just right, tho' I prayed both day and night, Ere the blood of Jesus cleans'd from all sin.
Tho' I strove with all my might to keep temper out of sight, There was just a little stirring within.
I was taught as a boy that when Satan did annoy,
I should then subdue dark passion and pride.

But it stopp'd short, never to go again, when the OLD MAN died!
There were times in my life of despondency and strife,
Ere the blood of Jesus cleans'd from all sin.
Tho' my face would look sublime, I felt sure from time to time, There was just a little stirring within.
I repented, that is true, and it grieved me thro' and thro',
When the OLD MAN would rise up inside.
But it stopped short, never to go again, when the OLD MAN died!

Many times did I get blessed, and to this I had confessed, Ere the blood of Jesus cleans'd from all sin.
I was happy every day, but at times I now must say, There was just a little stirring within.

There were those who said to me that I sanctified should be,
But it only wakened up old spiritual pride.
But it stopp'd short, never to go again, when the OLD MAN died!

Oh, the joy that filled my soul, when the Lord got full control, And the blood of Jesus cleans'd from all sin.
He had pardoned me, that's true; now He sanctified me too, And there's naught but love a-stirring within.

Ere the second blessing came, with its sanctifying flame,
There were times I'd feel that proneness to backslide.
But it stopped short, never to go again, when the OLD MAN died!

(Chorus, verses 1-3)
Time went on. -- It was stirring yet. Many times did I smother it, But it stopp'd short, never to go again, when the OLD MAN died!
(Chorus, verse 4)
Time goes on; there's no stirring yet. Praise the Lord I don't smother it, For it stopped short, never to go again when the OLD MAN died!
"When I was saved I received something I never had. When I was sanctified I got rid of something I always had."

BLJ: Praise God for the sanctified flame! Do you feel the fire?

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