Sunday, December 8, 2019

Tenth Bible Study: The Life of Faith

Today's lesson is found in Hebrews 11:1-13. At the end of chapter ten, the writer of Hebrews expressed his confidence that the Jewish Christians would not draw back to their former religious beliefs. He believed that they would continue to press forward and continue to trust and serve Jesus Christ. This chapter is sometimes called, "The Heroes' Hall of Faith." Let us remember that "faith" as used in this chapter is a noun. Remember grammar school? A noun is a person, place or thing. It is tangible. It has substance. It is something you can possess. Faith is essential to the Christian life. It is a requirement for both salvation and entire sanctification. As we examine these Old Testament saints, let our faith be increased to do the work of Christ in our time.

The first section is: "Fundamentals of Faith vv. 1-3." The Amplified Version of the Bible translates the verse as: "Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality--faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]." When one buys a house, at the closing they are presented with the title deed after it has been recorded. That piece of paper is proof to the entire world that you own that particular piece of property. The title deed is evidence of your ownership. In the same way, your faith is the assurance of the things hoped for even though you do not see the manifestation of the thing desired. As a word of caution, your faith must be based on the Word of God. For example, you could not have faith for someone's spouse to become your spouse because that would violate God's Word. Some people are thermostat Christians and others are thermometer Christians. Thermometer Christians tell you the way things are. Thermostat (you set your thermostat to the temperature you desire not the current temperature) Christians have faith for something different to occur, e.g. family members to be saved, healing or financial miracle.  Faith looks at the current reality ands believes things can change. Verse 3 tells us that the worlds were created by the Word of God from things that could not be seen. Faith tells us that God created the world out of nothing and not by evolution. Evolution is a lie of the devil to destroy the believers faith. God spoke the world into existence. It is by faith that you can have assurance of spiritual realities. Never give up on the Word of God, it is your "title deed."

The second section is: "Forerunners in Faith vv. 4-7." The writer of Hebrews now turns to specific examples of those who lived by faith.  There are three before the flood: Abel, Enoch, and Noah. Abel had a better sacrifice than Cain because Abel's was a blood sacrifice. Abel had faith in the blood sacrifice. Cain's was the product of his own hands being from the ground.  Abel represents believers who pass through the veil of death. Enoch was taken without dying. He represents those believers that will be taken in the rapture. It was by faith that Enoch walked with God and pleased God. Noah had never seen rain in his life . Vegetation was watered by the dew and moisture in the earth. Noah had faith in what God had said to him and thus built the ark. It took many years to complete the ark and Noah kept the faith. If we are going to walk well-pleasing with God, we must walk by faith, trusting Him regardless of the circumstances. What is your reality? Is it what you see, or the Word of God. Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Remember, your faith will be evidenced by your works  (James ch. 2). So what do your works tell everyone about your faith? What do you really believe in?

The third section is: "Foreseers by Faith vv. 8-13." Faith and obedience cannot be separated. When Abraham received a call from God, he acted on it immediately.  There were no excuses, no delays. When Abraham arrived in Canaan, he "sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country." He did not take matters into his own hands and drive out the inhabitants. He had faith to look beyond the temporal and had faith in the promises of God that He would bring about what He had promised. 2 Corinthians 4:18 states: "We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." Where are you looking? Too many believers live as citizens of earth as opposed to citizens of heaven. You cannot believe and have faith unless you also obey. Where are you living today? Are you eyes on the things of earth or on the promises and glories of heaven that await us. "Faith laughs at the impossible, and cries, 'It shall be done.'" Without faith in God's Word, you are ties to the material world, a slave of the earthly. Faith frees you up to live "in heavenly places." So, what is your address?

Golden Text: "That the trial of your faith...might br found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:7) Let's be clear. Your faith will be tested. How will you respond to that testing? The best way is to get into the Word of God. Reading and studying the Word will increase your faith. As soon as you get light (understanding of what to do) on a subject, obey immediately. The life of faith can be a battle, but it is a battle we win every time when we have faith as the saints of the Old Testament had, that we read about today.

My summary points:
1. Faith is a title deed and is evidence of what you are seeking.
2. If you want to please God, you must walk in faith.
3. Faith and obedience cannot be separated.

Next week: "Children of God" from Hebrews 12:1-15.

Don't forget to read your Sunday school Beacon.

If you would like to have the free materials for next quarter, just message of leave a comment.

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