Sunday, December 15, 2019

Eleventh Bible Study: Children of God

Today's lesson comes from Hebrews 12:1-15 and is entitled "Children of God." This lesson not only deals with God's disciplining His children, but also deals with the necessity of heart holiness. The first part of the lesson highlights "endurance" and laying aside the "besetting sin." The last portion reveals the need of holiness to "see the Lord" and to maintain the health of the church. We will examine what does it require for someone to have a sanctified heart? When we consider "chastening" we will need to know that the difficulties of life are meant to develop us into the likeness of God's Son. Trials are never meant to defeat us, but to provide an opportunity for us to grow stronger. We need to keep our eyes focused on Jesus, and draw strength from God in prayer. A positive attitude in the midst of battles will help youth come through victoriously. Remember, God deals with His children out of love. The more severe the trial, the greater the victory. God's presence and blessings are the sweetest in the dark valleys of life (Psalm 23). The writer of Hebrews seeks to exhort the Hebrew Christians that were facing severe trials. He urges them to press on to holiness of heart and life to conquer those trials. This is great advice for us today.

The first section is "Endurance-Essential vv. 1-4." The writer of Hebrews uses the analogy of running a race in front of a group of witnesses. Just like an Olympic runner who seeks to win a prize, we are to run the Christian race for Jesus. To win this race, we need to "lay aside every weight." Can you imagine running a race carrying a 50 pound weight? No, you need to drop that weight to win. In the same way, we need to lay aside the things that would slow us down. Most assuredly, sin will slow you down. We are to run with "patience." That word "patience" actually means "endurance." We need to be able to finish what we start. Regardless of the trials and difficulties, we need to never give up and stay the course. How can we endure to the end? First, we need to fasten our eyes on Jesus. Others have run and been successful, so we can also. Jesus was tempted and tried in all points just like we are. As you run, do not be distracted by circumstances, keep your eyes on Jesus and He will bring you through. Second, we need to "consider him." Christ endured the hostility and opposition of those He came to save. Realize that what you may be enduring in nothing compared to what Jesus endured.  An unwavering faith gives us assurance of the future, and endurance in the present.

The second section is "Discipline-Essential vv. 5-13." Some people are not told the truth when they are presented the "gospel." Just "come to Jesus" and your life will be blessed and all your troubles will be gone. There is a saying I like and preach: "What you win them with is what you will have to keep giving them to keep them." People need to know the truth. The Christian life contains trials and tribulations. The rain falls on the just and unjust. The difference is that the Christian knows that everything that happens in his or her life is either God's perfect will or His permissive will. We are not to give up when trials come, but rather we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and we will prevail over the trial. This does not mean that we have to "jump for joy" when trials come our way. However, we are to recognize that trials make us stronger in the faith. Abraham's trials increased in intensity as he grew in faith and in the knowledge of God. Remember, you will ultimately triumph and the way you respond to trials has an impact on others, the saved and the unsaved. Draw your strength from God. Make the path of Christianity straight, plan, easy to follow. Live an exemplary life in front of those who are weak in the faith, lest they should turn away from God and be lost.

The third section is "Holiness-Essential vv. 14-17." A sanctified heart will enable you to live at peace with others and help you overcome trials and temptations. Without a sanctified heart, we cannot expect to se God. God is holy and He dwells in a holy heaven. Adam Clarke said, "No soul can be fit for heaven that has not suitable dispositions for the place." The writer of Hebrews informs us to "follow" or pursue peace and holiness because without it you will not see the Lord. The writer gives three possible dangers: first, the danger of a person failing "of the grace of God." Satan wants to destroy you. Prayer for the brethren will encourage and strengthen us to be victorious. The second danger is the potential of a person becoming bitter and spreading poison in the congregation. A bitter attitude can lie dormant for a long time, but it must be dealt with. The third danger is one who professes to be serving God, but who actually living to satisfy his own fleshly gratification.  Holiness, or entire sanctification, will defeat the three dangers. The purified heart is a heart that can endure trials and tribulations because it is dead to the world, sin and self.

I have written several times about the steps to obtaining a holy heart or being sanctified wholly. They are summarized as:
1. Being born again and not backslidden. If one is backslidden, you are candidate for repentance and restoration to a saved state.
2. Once you know that you are saved, you must begin to surrender your carnal traits one at a time, e.g. anger, greed, jealousy, etc. By surrender, I mean you acknowledge that they exist in your heart and you give them over to God for slaying. You surrender one at a time, but God moves in a single action to sanctify you.
3. Once you have surrendered everything and this may take a while, you in faith on the promises in the Word of God, exercise your faith that the work has been done. You continue in faith until you have the witness of the Holy Spirit that the work has been done. Never presume, wait for the witness.
4. Testify that you have been sanctified entirely and testify often.

The Golden Text is "For whom the LORD liveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth." (Proverbs 3:12)

When you are in affliction, take comfort that it is a Divine correction; it is instruction from the Lord. A perfect God will do you no harm.

My summary points:
1. Endurance is essential. Never give up on God or yourself. God will see you through.
2. Discipline and correction is a part of the Christian life. Remember, correction comes from a loving Father.
3. Holiness is essential to see the LORD. Make sure you pay the price to get entirely sanctified.

Next week: "The Word Was Made Flesh." John 1:1-14

If you want to receive the next quarterly study, please contact me.

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