Sunday, December 22, 2019

Twelfth Bible Study: The Word Was Made Flesh

Our Scripture for the Christmas lesson is taken from John 1:1-14 in the New Testament. The lesson's emphasis will be primarily theological. The first five verses deal with Christ as God. We see His oneness with the Father, His activities in creation, and His life-giving power. Verses six through nine draw a contrast between John the Baptist and Jesus. Christ highly commended John. Yet, as great as John was, he was not the "true Light." Verses ten and eleven reveal that Jesus was to be rejected because He was not of the world which He had created. Verses twelve through fourteen conclude the lesson with how individuals may "become the sons of God," what it is to "receive" Christ, and what is spiritual birth. Most people know the Christmas story. The familarity tends to lull the reader into sleep. I challenge you to really dive into this lesson and allow the beauty of the Christmas story to touch your soul and renew your spirit. May you be blessed as you study today's passage.

The first section is "The Word, the Light" vv. 1-5. This first section contains much theological truth. Jesus is eternal. He has always existed. He is God, not an inferior one as the Jehovah Witnesses preach, but fully and equally God just as the Father is. Jesus is the Creator of all things and nothing exists without His touch. By being called the Word, the text means that Jesus is God and the second person of the one eternal Triune God. There were many theological errors during the time John wrote this Gospel. One was that Jesus was a separate God from the Father. The truth is that the Trinity is difficult for our limited minds to understand. A good illustration I like to use is myself. I am a father, husband and a son. All three of those labels describe who I am. I am one entity with three separate persons. Jesus was also "life." The word in verse four that describes Jesus in Greek is "Zoe." Zoe means of the absolute fulness of life, both essential, which belongs to God; a life active and vigorous, devoted to God and blessed.  The word "life" is not referencing a physical existance with a beating heart. It is a blessed life devoted to God. The light referenced in verse five is the Greek word "phos." It means to shine as emitted by a lamp. When Jesus appears, His light requires darkness to flee. Darkness and light cannot co-exist in the same place. For example, when you walk into a dark room and turn the light switch on and you can now see, what happened to the darkness? It was replaced by the light. In the same way, when Jesus comes into a life, the darkness of that person's life must flee. The "darkness comprehended it not," refers to the absolute fact that light wins! And, Jesus is the light! That is shouting ground!

The next section is "A Witness of the Light" vv. 6-9. These verses inform us that John the Baptist was sent from God to be a spokesman for the coming Messiah. This was a fulfillment of prophecy from Isaiah 40:3. He was not the light, but sent to bear witness to the light. The word light in these verses is "phos" which means light as emitted by a lamp. Jesus is spoken of as "light" because He forces darkness to flee. Light always overcomes darkness. John's mission to make way for the light. He did that by preaching repentance. He told his listeners that one much more worthy than he was coming. John preached righteousness and holiness. He was not a "sloppy grace" preacher. There was no easy way. Salvation came by way of true repentance. That was his message.

The third section was "Response to the Light" vv. 10-13. Christ came to make us children and heirs of God. The world may know His name, but the world has not "received" Him. What does it mean to receive Christ? The other day I posted about being in a large Baptist church for a funeral. Since I was one of the speakers, I was sitting on the front row waiting to be called. I noticed that the front row seats had a reservation notice on them. They said, "Reserved Decision Counselors." That is how some people view salvation. They say, "God votes for you, the devil votes against you and you cast the deciding vote." They want you to make a decision for Christ, as if He is soliciting your vote like a politician. This is wrong. You receive Christ when you "believe" on His name. What does "believe"mean in a Hebraic worldview. It is far more than head knowledge or mental assent. The word "believe" is a Greek verb that is in the active voice and present tense. This means that the subject is doing the action, i.e. the ones believing in Christ, and the present tense means it is an ongoing action. Since it is ongoing, it will have an affect on your actions. To receive Christ is to believe on His name which will in fact result in a continuous change of behavior. Our spiritual life comes from God similar to the way our physical life comes from our parents. Have you received Christ as your Saviour and Sanctifier? If not, what holds you back?

The fourth section is "The Glory of the Light" v. 14. Jesus is a Divine-human Saviour. He had to be God, for only God could have the power to redeem all people at all times and places, both presently and in the future. As the Son of God, He possesses the knowledge and wisdom to lead us into all truth. Only Jesus could be the perfect Leader against sin and its power. He is the perfect Mediator between God and man. As a human, He was tempted as we are, yet without sin. He experienced what we face and conquored sin for us. He was God incarnate. It would be wrong to worship Jesus if He was not God, but since He is God, it proper to give Jesus all the praise and glory He deserves.

At this Christmas season, it is appropriate to take some time and thank Jesus Christ for all He did for us when He came to earth as a baby, grew to be a man, and suffered and died for our sins, and rose in glory and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. That truly makes for a Merry Christmas.

The Golden Text was "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law." (Gal. 4:4) God controlled when the Son of God would be manifest. He caused holy men of old to give prophecies concerning the advent of the Christ. All was done in His perfect timing. This gives us great confidence in our God to keep us and provide for us.

My summary points:
1. Jesus is fully God and part of the Trinity. He is both life and light.
2. Christ is the light of the world and darkness cannot defeat Him.
3. We become children of God by receiving Him when we believe on His name.
4. Jesus is fully God and human man. As such, He is the perfect Saviour and Sanctifier.

Next week, the last study of the quarter, "Perfect in Every Good Work." Hebrews 13: 7-21.

Read the Sunday School Beacon for inspiration and encouragement.

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