Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Route Rejecters

BLJ: It amazes me when people reject "death-route" holiness because the term is not in the Bible. Do you believe in the Trinity, for if you do, know that the word "Trinity" it is not in the Bible. People that reject dying to self and crucifying the flesh and the world, are rejecting holiness. Today's church needs to hear the message of death-route holiness. The church needs a revival and that revival can start when the people die out and get sanctified wholly. When that happens, finances will pour in, volunteers will be plenty and the church will make advances against the kingdom of darkness. What are you waiting for?


Some would tell you that their only objection to the "death-route" is the word "route." What's wrong with route? The Christian life is a journey, is it not? John Bunyan understood it to be a journey all the way from the wicket-gate-start, to the final entrance into the Celestial City.

The prophet, Isaiah, said the way of holiness was a "highway" and a "way" (Isa. 35:8). The Christians of the early church called themselves pilgrims (Heb. 11:13). Peter called them strangers and pilgrims (I Peter 2:11). Why object to the term, "route," in referring to seeking and
approaching the point of receiving a sanctified heart? It is in perfect harmony with all of these above references.

Others claim they object to the term "death-route" because it is not a Bible term. But the word doesn't have to be in the Bible, if the idea is there -- and it is! The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible either, but the idea is there, so we accept it without the slightest scruple. "Sacrament" is another word that does not appear in the Bible, but who would suggest that we do away with water baptism and the Lord's Supper simply because the word "sacrament" is not in the Bible? No, my friend, that objection is simply a flimsy excuse. We need not scrap the term "death route" for that, or for any other reason.
With some people it may not actually be the terms that bother them, but the whole matter of coming to the point of death to carnal self. Objecting to a term could be a smoke-screen for a death rejecter to hide behind.

The crucifixion of self is the price millions are not willing to pay in order to get the deeper experience of the wholly sanctified heart. Hence they never receive the blessing of holiness -- purity, "without which no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14).

Some rare soul unknown to me has truthfully said: "If one thing in your life is not totally surrendered [to Christ] you'll never be happy."

"Descend, O sinner, to the woe!
Thy day of hope is done;
Light shall revisit thee no more,
Life with its sanguine dreams is o'er, Life reached not yon awful shore; Forever sets thy sun!"

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