Saturday, March 1, 2025

3-1-2025 Devotion

 Yesterday we saw that we are to live a life rejoicing as we walk our daily lives. I remember the words of an old hymn: "When we all get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be." Yes; that will be a day of great rejoicing, but we are not to wait until heaven to rejoice. Jesus puts something down on the inside of you that allows you to rejoice now. Peter wrote to a persecuted church: "But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy." We are to rejoice even if we are suffering at the moment. Why? We are to rejoice because regardless of what you are going through, the glory of God is going to be revealed and that makes the believer joyful.


Philip Doddridge wrote: "But rather rejoice in these trials, as being therein partakers of the sufferings of Christ, the memory of which should ever be dear and precious to you: that when his final glory shall be revealed, ye, in the participation of it, may be even transported with joy far beyond what can now be described or conceived." One of the keys to walking a life of rejoicing is to keep ones eyes focused on Jesus. As we do so, the heart that has been touched by God can rejoice even in the midst of suffering. Where you look can determine your joy.


Today, rejoice evermore. Rejoice at home; rejoice at work; rejoice at play and rejoice in the midst of suffering. As you keep your eyes on Jesus, He will place something in your heart that will enable you to have joy. That something is His love.

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