Sunday, March 2, 2025

3-2-2035 Devotion

 I think most Christians in America would admit that there are significant differences between what we call church and what we read about in the book of Acts. There, it seemed like there was an authority and power that accompanied the early church. And it was not just the apostles; the early "laymen" (not that they used that term) such as Stephen and Philip walked demonstrating the power of God. Why don't we see that today? There is probably not one answer but several. Over the next few days, let us look at some possible reasons and believe that as we study the early church we might see some changes for the better in our lives. First, we need to have faith that the Lord Jesus is the same (Hebrews 13:8) now as He was then. Second, we need to believe that the role of the Holy Spirit has not changed (John 16:8). Third, we then need to examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5).


Do you from the heart believe that Jesus is the same today? Hebrews 13:8 says: "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." The key to understanding this verse is seen in verse 6: "So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me." We need not fear man because the same Jesus that protected the ones before us, He will protect us as well. He is our deliverer and sustainer. We need not fear man. I suggest to you that one of the reasons for the difference between us and the early church is man fear. We fear losing our family, friends, employment or prestige if we are totally sold out for God. 


Today, spend some time examining yourself. Do you fear man or what man might say to you if you sell out all the way for God? The Brethren New Testament Commentary says: " Christ and his religious doctrine being unchangeable, the author impresses the more the safety to follow the good examples of those who lived Christians in their midst before them." Jesus protected Peter, James, Paul and the rest of the early church and He will protect you and me. If you find some man fear, repent and turn away from it. If you find no man fear, pray for more boldness. He will hear and the Holy Spirit is faithful. May He find us faithful as well.

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